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IT IS BLOODY LOVELY.....1 Year Here :-)


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hi :-) hope things get better for you all, if you ever need to off load just shout!! knowing someone else been there and

got the rosette sometimes helps!! i always say to people when they having a bad time, just look at us we were at rock bottom

but got back up so if we can, all 8 of us,anyone can!! sending happy smiley vibes your way ;-)


Hi Star123 (+ 4,5,6,7,8!): What an inspiring post! You deserve to be happy after all your setbacks and I know you'll be an inspiration to all PiA members going through the 'what if?' worries before taking the big step towards living in Adelaide; and hopefully to those already arrived and finding the going a bit tough in the early stages. I wish you continued happiness and contentment in your new life in the Wonderful Land of Oz! All the very best, bh xx

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I been reading a lot of post recently but I have to say this has to be one of the most heart warming post I have ever looked at. We are in the final 4 weeks of getting everything sorted for the final push to move out to Adelaide. We have soooo much to do in soooo little time and my head is spinning. But reading this post has really made my day.

Thank you and good luck to you all as a family and for the future.



Hi there - thanks for your lovely reply :-) the last few weeks are crazy, but when that plane lifts off alot of the stress will take off with it - just holler if you want to know anything at all, my little brain filled with info lol..........take care and enjoy :-)

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