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457 extension

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I know things can change but was wondering if anyone had a applied for an extension on their 457, we don't think we will be eligible for PR due to my husbands age and not having all the paperwork for the skills assessment, we've been here for 6 months and have got a 4 year visa his company are happy for him to stay and would willingly sponsor him, have spoken to an agent who suggested an extension and just asking if anyone has been in this sort of position as at the moment we'd like to stay for a while longer, would like to see how difficult it might be.


This site is a font of knowledge and personal experience so maybe someone has had a similar situation.





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Assuming the process remains as it is at the current time then assuming your your husbands employer and your husband meet the selection criteria at that time then your husbands employer could apply nominate your husband and you could obtain a further 457.


If you are unable to get PR any other way and if your husband will be under 50 after working for his employer for 2 years on the 457 then you should investigate the transitional route to PR. Currently, exceptions for PR for individuals over 50 are very limited.

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thanks, that the problem he's going to be 50 in October and we will have been here 11 months and he doesn't have all the paperwork for his self employed years if not we were going to go for PR and he'll be over 50 when he could go direct, we came out a couple of years too late !!


Think we'll have to enjoy the next few years and see how things are then, do you know if its a bit of a formality to extend or would it be a whole new application?


Thanks for your help

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It is a complete new application not just a formality. Both your employer and your husband will need to meet the requirements at the time of the application (they can change over time and have recently got a bit stricter for employers).


Maybe investigate whether your husband might be able to get recognition of prior learning towards a skills assessment?

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