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Register when you arrive?????


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Guest MandiMR2

​Hey there, I don't know if it applies to all visas, but I have PR & promptly after it was granted I was receiving regular e-mails from Immigration SA asking me if I had arrived in Adelaide yet & to register my arrival as soon as I had. My OH who is here on a 489 received the same e-mails too, though in addition, his explained that they will monitor his residence for the 1st 2 years & he will be required to complete 5 surveys in that period.

Hope that's useful, Mandi

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Guest lilgal89

Hi bal,


When you register on the site and click that it's for new arrival registration it gives a list of the visas that are required to do so x

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Guest leeannekays

We arrived on Permanent Residency Visas and we had to register that we arrived. They then contacted us every 6 months via email asking us to complete a questionnaire about work etc and were we still in SA. We have just completed the 5th final one.



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