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Partner Visa Charge Increases


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The mid-year budget review yesterday announced that there will be an increase in the partner visa application charges for partner visas. The budget comments state "The Government will increase, by 50 per cent, the visa application charge (VAC) for Partner Visas (subclass 100, 300, 309, 820 and 801) within the Permanent Family Migration stream from 1 January 2015."





If you are ready to submit it may be worth looking at before the increases.

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Guest georgie2810

I'm really devastated about this increase. My partner and I are in our 20s, there is no way we can afford these new costs plus the cost of a wedding (which is very small anyway). We don't meet the 1 year de facto criteria yet either and won't by Jan 1. He's currently on a WHV in Australia and I'm in my final year of law school so not making a lot - we were already stretched to the limit with previous costs. We'd hoped to move to Australia (where I'm a citizen by birth) but these changes make the UK look like a far more feasible option. :sad:

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I'm really devastated about this increase. My partner and I are in our 20s, there is no way we can afford these new costs plus the cost of a wedding (which is very small anyway). We don't meet the 1 year de facto criteria yet either and won't by Jan 1. He's currently on a WHV in Australia and I'm in my final year of law school so not making a lot - we were already stretched to the limit with previous costs. We'd hoped to move to Australia (where I'm a citizen by birth) but these changes make the UK look like a far more feasible option. :sad:


That's a shame for you guys. Hopefully in a few years when finances are a bit better you could revisit the idea to make the move. Of course, visa costs will increase but it may well be possible then.

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Guest georgie2810

Thanks :) I guess I should be grateful that we have the WHV option. It just seems absolutely crazy when you look at the costs elsewhere and especially how much they have escalated over the last 2 - 3 years. Oh well, lucky I like England!

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