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Contributory parent visa subclass 143


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Can anyone give me any info on this visa. I know my parents are eligible as I am only child. I know it takes about 18 months but someone has mentioned a bridging visa where they can come and live in Australia whilst theirs is being processed????

cost for each parent???? For bridging visa and 143 visa???

I know I have to sponsor them and pay a bond cost????


thanks in advance



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Hi Kathy


To obtain a bridging visa your parents would need to be eligible to apply for the onshore aged parent option. They would need to be over 65 years of age to do this. The cost for each parent is approx $47,337.




Hi Tee


thsnks for you reply


just wanted to check is that the cost for both the permanent and temp visa each? Also approx how long after they lodge the temp visa can they come over?


thanks Kathy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Tee,


I was reading the post that you replied on.

I have a query, my parents are not in Australia. So if i apply for the contributory visa it will be going to take its own time for the processing.

And if i want to bring my parents over here during that time which visa should i apply as for Aged Visa they have to be onshore first which is a prerequisite of that visa if i am not wrong?


Also please advise if there is any other visa where parents can come in Australia for permanent basis without having to pay huge amount and what would be the waiting period for that visa.


Just checking if i missed on any visa class from IMMI site.






Hi Kathy


To obtain a bridging visa your parents would need to be eligible to apply for the onshore aged parent option. They would need to be over 65 years of age to do this. The cost for each parent is approx $47,337.



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