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Not Yet - But Coming Soon

Guest Nile

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Guest Nile

Hi all :notworthy:


I'm newly married and we have no children but are moving to OZ hopefully to set up a new life and bring up children in a forward thinking and safe environment. Will Adelaide definately give us this opportunity?


Just worried about house crisis in UK else the nearest I'll get to Oz if I can't sell the house would be wine from Tesco (Barosa valley - of course!).


Also, I'm a teacher of psychology but can't find information on the S.A.'s curriculum if they teach it to 16-18 year olds? :unsure: I can convert to Social Studies.


any help, advice would be great.



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Guest Nile

Cheers for such quick response and assistance. Time is just dragging on and I can't wait to leave the land of the green and the grey.



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Guest Django

Welcome to PIA


Once you get there give me a shout. I have a few children you can have. It'll save you going through the whole pregnancy thing and it'll make my life easier. :biglaugh:

I love them really :unsure:


Good luck with the whole moving thing




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