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Adelaide Crows in the Grand Final


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I'm still hoarse from Friday night! We were at the game (season members) and it was amazing. Atmosphere was intense and it was so so loud. Crazy night. 

Anyways, Grand Final next Saturday. Excited but nervous.



If you are new arrivals or arriving soon and enjoy sport, I suggest you investigate footy (soccer is soccer here, footy is AFL) and hopefully you'll enjoy it and find a team to barrack for (Crows or Port). Its a fab game and I've long liked it but since moving here I've really embraced it and within a season or two have gotten to grips with the rules, the teams and players and become a Crows member (never had a membership to any big team before). I even kick the footy in the park :biggrin:

Our son plays and loves it, hubby plays (Aussie and grew up with it and very happy to be back playing it too) and most of our winter is taken up with footy and other sports. At a grass roots level Its a great way to meet other parents or people who enjoy the sport (and sport in general tbh).

Anyways, here is hoping for next Saturday! 


Screen Shot 2017-09-24 at 09.10.33.png



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