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Posts posted by deryans

  1. I think what upsets him. Is the pollyanna core of posters here. And that when that when someone states difficulties or negative view points they are jumped on often in a personal manner by an 'in crowd'.


    I will bid my leave from this forum with this: for anyone in the UK considering - the real unemployment rate in Adelaide I think believe 12% not the actual stated figure of 7.2% and climbing, youth unemployment much higher. Adelaide is a networked small city / big town. Often even for skilled jobs its not what you know it is who you know. It is extremely difficult to get work for a percentage of arrivals and it is only set to get worse with the contraction of the SA economy. Many come sponsored because of a skill and end up in a low paying work if they are lucky. There is no one to warn you of this in the UK before uprooting your life and it is a failure of this forum not to do so.


    Many have a positive experience and find work straight away but the - i'm alright jack theme of this forum which I have no doubt is viewed by a large percentage of arrivals is both sad and equally maddening. And again in particular the attack on anyone who speaks up and has faced difficulties and tries to help others by sharing their story.


    Good day and thank you deryans you express what many are feeling. Deryans sounds pretty peeved granted but that doesn't come out of nowhere I expect.


    One last actual set of stats the current unemployment rate in Greece is 25.4% Youth unemployment currently in SA is a staggering 23.4%. Unemployment in SA is currently the highest in the nation. Holden will close in the next 2 years at which point these figures will certainly rise. How do you like them apples.


    Have a nice life.





    Thanks Yoda, hit the nail on the head there buddy , spot on , well my disagreement and criticism if you can call it that is most certainly not directed at members of this forum, it is perhaps a little too outrageous hyperbole, but how soon do you begin to take a fire seriously ? How soon does one communicate to others what one sees and what they have experienced, I may sound like the boy who cried wolf, infact I hope I do, but something in my spider sense was just not right and it took me 2-3 years and the best part of our equity to waste before I managed to convince the family. I really do hope prospect families wishing to come here are given honest and open information , not the two streets from the beach rubbish that seems to pervade here, it is both maddening and sad as you say.


    SA is and has always been run by clowns, it needs desperate reform of all state government but the most vocational and specialist jobs, most if not all of education, industry, tourism, Infrastructure, treasury, administration, attorney generals, trade and industry, TAFE (topical that one) , human and child services, councils (yes, most if not all of them) directors should go and be asked to re-apply for their positions based on integrity, merit , achievements and motivation.


    Most are just simply not up to it, and people on this forum will pay for it with their children futures.





    read the comments from locals


    and one final thought, ask yourself why I walked away from a cushy job when I was almost un-sackable, ? One word, Integrity.

  2. Wow....could spend all night analysing the contradictions in those few lines :err:


    Entertaining post....well done :notworthy:



    all night ? you'll fit right into swinging the lead in a public service job in adelaide.




    interesting points made by bill, and he seems to get the most "likes" of anyone posting on the 'tiser


    if you are to lazy to look, here's his post: , and see where your kids may or may not be in 5-10 years time. remember some show some humility, it's not about you, it's about the dependents, kids, vulnerable and the weak and the future made for them, not you or I, them and only their future, analyse that.



    You're not really grasping the real reason why people bag Adelaide, Mr Jory. Yes, Adelaide may have the best beaches, the best wines, the best food, etc because these are only what Adelaide has to offer. I can give you several reasons why people bag Adelaide or SA as a whole. We have the worse performing economy in the mainland, we have the highest utility prices in the world behind Germany and Denmark (Sydney and Melbourne may have the highest rent but at least the residents there are not scraping every last cent to pay for their ESL), real unemployment (not the ABS figures) is put at around 12%, people are leaving the state, most of them never to return and when they do return they find it very difficult in securing employment because they are deemed over qualified, too old or a threat to the interviewer's job, nepotism flourishes in both public and private work places so the idea of gaining an employment on merit is out the window, the SA economy returns very little to the national economy as a whole and SA seems to gobble up so much in federal funding and we still cry poor. And lastly, the real reason why people bag Adelaide is that it refuses to change. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but there is a certain class or group of people that are just happy with the way things are here and will fight tooth and nail when there is private investment being put on offer, but we somehow manage to stay silent when public funds are used to upgrade a sports stadium to placate to these elitists. Twelve years ago, people ushered in a Labor government because they wanted change. They wanted to shake off the Liberal stagnation but all we got in return after twelve years is high taxes, little economic growth, cost blowouts and more people barely keeping their heads above the poverty line You see, Mr Jory, I have taken off the rose coloured glasses and I have listened to and read why people bag Adelaide. Shouldn't you be doing the same since you're a journalist and asked the very same question in the first place. And you forgot to mention these American tourists that you host, are they young, twenty/thirty something year-olds or fifty/sixty year-olds retirees? I'm willing to bet the latter because Adelaide is nothing but a retirement village and the only thing old people and retirement villages are good for is resistant to is change.




  3. The OP was in Sydney and then moved to Adelaide. And then from Adelaide to London. Their previous posts elsewhere on the forum can give more detail on their career path, expectations and other things if you feel like a read :)


    The first post here was split out from another thread as it wasn't what the other thread was about at all and so was hijacking the thread somewhat, so mods gave the post a thread of its own :)




    true to a point snifter, actually Adelaide in 2002 for one year (that was also a joke), sydney from 2003 to 2011, adelaide from 2011 onwards, the point I am making and it seems to be lost on most people here, is that Bunnings and Domino pizza jobs does not a family of 5 a happy make, shopkeeping and service industries disappeared in the 50's as viable professions to raise a family, there is no investment I can see here in SA, no regard, no professional empathy, no coaching and no vision given to the young SA people in at the cusp of their careers in SA, they are left, alone, wanton and without any direction by selfish and myopic middle managers who are themselves unskilled and scared to take risk, thus they will never employ someone who is at least as smart as them or wishes to challenge and be motivated (they simply cannot get their heads around it, dumb people don't know what dumb people don't know), sad really, but I cannot see my valued children who are a product of our efforts and toil and work to make them into full accomplished people with honesty, motivation, empathy, respect , humiliation modesty and compassion. Simply put, we are worth more than SA, sounds arrogant ? It is.


    I do not see these qualities in the people I have worked with in adelaide , i cannot abide a "boys" club and the performance of the SA economy speaks for itself, imagine what it will be like in a downturn ?


    good luck, because you're going to be on your own and that is the real measure of what SA is about, itself.

  4. adelaide is going backwards, and the inequality of what I saw makes it untenable, it simply does not make the grade, the place is dysfunctional and nepotistic, not good for our family we earned only 40-50k less in adelaide than sydney, but there was no work in adelaide and lots in sydney so being out of work for 18 months in adelaide did it for us, we got work in 6 days in london, speaks volumes really........ dead place

  5. bitter and negative ? realistic and honest i'd say is more accurate, adelaide is a joke for any professional trying to make it happen, the place is just so backward and introspective it's upsetting to see such potential squandered by such 2nd rate people ( I refer to the local incumbents, and not you ), they are just honestly some of the worst people I have experienced on this planet , my family is worth more than that place, so we left........


    Whilst some people clearly do struggle with finding work, this is not the case for everyone. It is important people know the balanced view and not just the bitter, negative side which can be terrifying for those who have already committed to the move.


    My husband and I both found work within a month of arriving, he switched careers completely (from finance to travel) which was exactly as desired. This year I decided to leave the IT company I had been with since arriving and switch back to higher education - it took a lot of determination and many, many applications but I got there.


    We are definitely not 2nd rate people doing 3rd rate jobs. Work is there, but it won't be handed to you on a plate and some people struggle and get disillusioned and then seem to love scare mongering on here.

  6. I despair at families who ignore this, i does seem that people swallow the whole "life down under" as being some idyllic solution to all their aspirations, as my mother is fond of saying, you simply can't eat the sun, education and employment are significant factors in the quality of life, and the accessibility of these in Europe far outweighs any accessibility in Oz, adelaide is a closed market for jobs, and if you move here with any experience, expect to end up working for someone with a fraction of your experience.


    Adelaide is backward for a reason, 2nd rate people doing 3rd rate jobs with 4th rate performance, it's so obvious that the place is dying, and the newcomer is going to pay.

  7. from : http://indaily.com.au/opinion/2014/08/19/adelaides-decline-fall/


    "Many of the departees were the brightest and best – the high achievers, the ambitious ones, the mad ones, the dreamers, the hungry to do well. We invested our rates and taxes in them – and this is how they repay us. So it goes. Labour goes to where the work is. This demographic flight compounds the macroeconomic forces squeezing the state."

    Is something that I personally relate to- so many young careers are affected by 'false starts' or no starts, and the only option for these motivated and ambitious group of people is to relocate to greener pastures, and yet the state government cries 'crocodile tears' of this perceived tyranny of a brain-drain!



    that's why I left...... just about to kick start a company here in London, it's buzzing, the atmosphere is encouraging, enabling and open, sure there is always a secret jobs market, here it's up around the 2-300k+ per annum rate and I just cannot understand why adelaide has a "secret jobs market" for jobs at woolies or bunnings?


    it speaks volumes to me. Small thinking small place small gains, it will take decades to change. never mind the nepotism or cronyism , surely you must agree that the place is underperforming spectacularly for the last 20 years and it's getting worse.

  8. I agree with you Spanners, however, it takes some ahem *&alls to risk it and move, I thought we were pretty employable anywhere in the world, but adelaide is just too slow and under developed for my skill set and it closes down options for my children rather than open them up, our family has grown and matured nicely in australia and now we believe it is time for another chapter.


    p.s. I thought I was multi-skilled, very experienced, multi-role until I moved to adelaide, in 9 years of freelance work in Sydney I was out of work say, 2 months? In three years in adeliade, I was out of work for more than 16 months...... bizarre, given I picked up a role in London within 6 working days of being back (and three of those were due diligence and ID confirmation due terrorist rules) , this does not bode well for the future of adelaide as a centre for anything....


    p.p.s , I took my daughter to a city school down magill road once on the bus , it took us over 1hour 15 min. Not sure how that fits, but my bike ride in Sydney was almost the same as my bike ride in adeliade, except in sydney I was never t-boned or chased by a car, in adelaide I got both within 2 years... :)

  9. I don't think that you are reading things correctly. Unemployment is never a good thing but for individuals who thrive on Adelaide bad news stories it might be a good thing. It gives them something else to use to grind Adelaide, it's people and way of life into the dirt.


    The bus drivers vacancies is part of another thread...not this one. It's part of a positive thread to try in some small way help someone secure employment. It was posted by Jessica in the hope that someone may find work. What was your response to this? Your response was to highlight the cost of the licence and the fact that a split shift was inconvenient to an employee. Every job has it's downsides but it's a job...right?


    You are right my hubbies licence wasn't any use here. We moved across the world to another country where you can transfer car licences over but require heavy vehicle licence holders to do a test again. That's the way it is. You can moan about it. You can try fighting the system and bash your head at the reasoning behind it...you can bitch and moan, and put it on your list of things that make you miss the greener grass back home...OR, you accept it, move on, do the test and put the expense and inconvenience behind you. If this solution isn't for you then you may as well head to Sir Donald Bradman Drive and take a flight back home. My hubbie now has his Australian HR licence. My hubbie also wasn't allowed to follow his occupation. His training qualifications were not recognised here. Did he quit? Did he join a public forum and spew his negativity at every opportunity? No. He put himself through TAFE for a year, obtained the training qualification and moved forwards. What choice was there? We moved to give our children a future...a better life, so we sacrifice and knuckle down...and make it work.


    Moving to a new land is a compromise in many respects. I am settled here and wouldn't move for the world. That doesn't mean that there weren't aspects of my former life that were better and ways of doing things that were simpler and more efficient. However,the pros of living here far outweigh the cons.


    I went to a mayoral function once. A large city with thousands of employees and the mayor was presenting awards for outstanding contributions to public service. There's a short line form the speech that has stuck with me and I am going to share it. The mayor acknowledged that there was constant work required to improve services and efficiency and that council employees were the key in making things work....the line was "don't just submit problems...submit solutions".


    On this public forum I would really like people to acknowledge the problems but not make them the focal point of everything. The focal point should always be the solution and how you can help.

    Think about it.


    I admire and Totally applaud you and your husband for getting stuck in and making it work , for whatever you managed to make out of it , well done.


    Some people on here might think that I'm acidic to the posters here, I am not, I have not a single ounce of malice in me for people who emigrate here and try and start up again, it takes courage and conviction.


    I do however (as you may have noticed) reserve some quantity of acerbic and disdain for the so called leadership of SA, they feather their own nest, bounce around committing to nothing, no investment, no benevolence towards their teams, randomly and secret announcements of "New CIO's, CEO's etc".


    I have worked with so called leaders of business in the Public Sector and Private sector and I am left breathless with their lack of vision and fear that the place is dying, they are not stupid, but they lack the courage and conviction (such as shown by your husband and yourself) to make it happen, they are afraid.


    They spin special good-news messages, but everyone knows deep down that there are critical problems in SA, I was not happy at all about leaving because it should have been a new start, but now I'm out I actually feel like I've dodged a bullet, escaped if you like.


    I deliver strategy for a living, and I'm of reasonable (somewhere between my 7 year old and 10 year old at a push) intellect, however I'm not sure which ever way I cut it, I can see a solution for SA, Leadership has to go and you have to start again. I don't have any advice save to say if the captain of the ship consistently puts the boat on the rocks, get rid of him and move on.


    Can you imagine (and here's a FOI to ask for) what the annual SA public service predicted pension liability will be in 3 years time ?


    clue , it;s not in the millions, more than that I'd bet.


    News is news, bad or otherwise, no apologies on that.

  10. This is from last july 2014.


    South Australia’s job figures have thrust it into a special place – the worst in the nation and with little or no prospect of change.

    For the families of 64,500 unemployed, it makes for a dark and cold winter.

    Blaming international currency trends, federal Budget cuts or statistical anomalies doesn’t wash either when the official figures show that every other state is doing better than SA.

    Reflecting on June’s unemployment figures, leading economic analyst Michael O’Neil said “the medium to longer-term outlook is in our hands” while the short-term reality of the unemployment rate shows SA is in need of immediate stimulus.

    O’Neil and his Adelaide University-based think tank, the SA Centre for Economic Studies, have been warning about structural deficiencies in the local economy for several years.

    The State Government, meanwhile, points to the prospect of some new shops opening in Kilburn as an example of job creation...........................

    read on:



  11. so a quarter of a percent will trigger you to go looking for a house ??, retail interest rates are still around 4% in australia, in the UK HBSC are offering 1.99 fixed until 2020................ interesting comparison don't you think


    We just discharged our mortgage with a large australian bank and that was 4.9%, good luck to em I say! (and we had that since 2003)

  12. this is happening everyday, yet I still hear of the SA government saying theirs heaps of vacancies, let's keep bringing in migrants......when most of them get hear they then ask where are the jobs. How many times have we seen this on this forum alone. It's unbelievable and wrong for this to be allowed....I have a friend in Sydney who has just been made redundant,used to live in Adelaide, typed into Skype his requirements....over 100 vacancies available in Sydney...... in Adelaide there was 1. This problem will only get worse when Holdens closes shop for good, another 250 left last week


    SA government is inept, we all know this , from child protection through to planning through to education and on down to the local level, they are just not capable of doing a competent job.


    But how are you going to get rid of a 200K+ a year sloth , that has been in a mates for mates job for the last 20 years, they see nothing wrong with adelaide thank you very much in their nice house in nice suburb, and they are unwilling, or unable to offer any new views or positions on solving a problem they have no interest in.


    It's worse than I thought, the place is a joke.

  13. yep, agree with that, the carpet pulled out from young people who gave their all is upsetting to see, I emphasise with these kids (22-30 year olds) and remember the days when I was their age, I was blessed with benevolent mentors who showed me the ropes and trying to give this back in many dysfunctional adelaide businesses has only resulted in personal and professional disappointment to me.


    The words squander and waste of youth potential brilliance don't even come close, I despair at how to fix it

  14. observations of the work experience I saw; candidates just not up to it, no motivation, unreliable, underlying issues with most of them, 7 hour variance in a two week period vs timesheet (that's just not honest) and in their defence, the employer did not invest, train, motivate nor mentor them, and used them for demeaning and menial cheap labour.


    Thus solidifying their lack of motivation and creating a half-person for the labour market, poor things really, no future

  15. because Uni's literally have a "scorched earth" fee regime with foreign students, which is a joke, the chaps I mentored on the masters program for Uni SA spent 56K over two years, or was it 18 months ?, the locals spent about 14, bet not many of those foreign students are out there in singapore and germany recommending Uni SA.

  16. not sure about that Tamara;




    Dream might be over, and as a mentor to a number of masters overseas students from 2012 through 2013, I'd agree with the article I posted, you can only commoditise education for a short period before the market moves away, and in adelaide's case , it has. It's cheap to live and study in adelaide, but all the Uni's here have lost out to online delivery because of myopia, lack of vision of just plain adelaide sloth, pity really, but too late.


    Advertiser as usual is on the ball, but about 18 months to two years too late with the scoop, which is about normal lag for the rag.

  17. Kensington is not North. It's East. I suspect the OP has encountered snobbishness rather than racism per se.


    We lived in Kensington, and there is just as much chance that racism, bigotry and myopia exists, the snobbish factor is quite hilarious and upsetting if you cannot let it glance off, and whilst it does exist, a Singaporean Chinese or a HK Chinese will be looked at differently and have a much harder time, some of it is just ignorance, some of it is well, plain myopia.................


    I'll leave it at that, as you all know my opinion, save to say, if she's in Kensi, then the school that our kids went to would be extremely unlikely to exclude on the basis of non english speaking as they have a new Principal, however if the previous clown was there I'd say a dead cert that she's being discriminated against (previous clown principal was performance managed out of her position and has since left).


    How do I know ? I was the project manager for Trial NAPLAN online last year with ACARA and over 60 SA schools, no there were no Kensi schools doing the trial.


    What I do know is that Aberfoyle Park is a cracking school with a fantastic "work the problem, not the person" Principal, so too Christies Beach, Yankalilla, so too Berri, so too a few up north, what is disappointing is that a number of Independent schools (thats' private to you and me ) were just not up to the scratch, and we're talking about a number 2-3 level Girls school, that could not complete the NAPLAN online because they said their IT people could not get it to work (liars) and that's why you pay 6K for a girls school just south of greenhill road :)


    Aberfoyle park had no problem ?


    funny that.

  18. a simple look at the carousel at semaphore beach (walk inside and examine the walls) and you will see what the adelaide tram system used to be and compare it to what it is now.


    Backwards does not even come close, the place is closed. Myopia and financial decrepitude.


    why does the tram stop outside the entertainment centre, the centre verge almost goes all the ways to Port ? Why not stick tracks on it ?


    no, some clown in public sector will say no, what a joke...........

  19. Nicf, that's understandable, I see the point you are making. as a family both mine and our own perspective and experiences, network and expectations are far far higher than what adelaide has to offer, and we have found adelaide to be insular, backward, myopic, extremely nepotistic, discriminatory and in some critical areas just plain incompetent. These attributes combined, make it an entirely unsuitable place for us to remain. Other posters here have mentioned that they agree with what I'm saying regarding some of these observations , I just hope some family in the UK planning to swap their 3-bed semi for a new life think hard and long about the risk they are taking, adelaide is no place to be on the lower socio-economic steps, you are placing your kids into desperate situation if you cannot find work in adelaide because the place is not thriving , in fact it's getting worse economically.


    Australia is coming to the end of an unprecedented resources boom, a boom that has clearly passed adelaide by, and nobody asks why?

  20. I think moving somewhere to give our kids more opportunities is a mistake. .


    I can't agree with that statement. If I'm in a place that is diminishing our capability, undermining our finances and eroding our ability to earn, then does that not impact our kids future more than anything else ?

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