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Everything posted by Cannons

  1. Horrendous situation our thoughts and prayers are with them all just wish we could do more to help .
  2. Hi, not with pets ashes but my wife brought over her mums ashes in her hand luggage no questions asked, i was working in the airport before we came and i asked security what to do and they told me there is no issues taking the ashes on in your hand luggage infact its very common, this was in Aug this year and how would they know it was a dogs ashes, ashes are ashes, hope this helps
  3. You touch it first! Found out it was allergic to size 10 shoes, not taking any chances with the spiders with the kids in the garden
  4. [ATTACH]1357[/ATTACH] came across this in the garden and wondered if its a good one or bad one, any ideas?
  5. Looking for a reliable babysitter to look after my 5 and 6 yr old this Friday (26th Nov) from about 6pm we are in Seaford Meadows. Must be good with kids, honest and reliable. Preferably with own transport. PM me if interested. Jo
  6. Hi, we have just bought a AUS PS3 and Wii for christmas and excuse my stupidity but do the uk games work on Aus consoles? are they not region set like dvds? would be good to get some cheaper games sent over!
  7. Hi Carly, we too may be interested can you PM me your number so I can give you a call sometime to arrange something. We are at Seaford Meadows so not too far from you. Thanks. Jo
  8. Cannons

    Huntsman spiders

    We've been here 6 weeks now and I'm dreading the day I see a Huntsman or White Tip . We are due to move into our long term rental on Sunday and I have been down with the mortein bombs aleady, still got to do outside vents etc I'm taking no chances. I'm so scared and know that if I was driving and there was one in the car I would crash and risk killing everyone in the car so it has been bomed too lol!!!! Its such an irrational fear I really wish there was some kind of cure. I know people say the Huntsman are good spiders but for me all spiders are bad and should be squished - sorry spider lovers!!!!
  9. Hi Like you we had never rented before and had nothing from the Mortgage lender. We have just secured a rental and gave them a personal reference from a friend, a reference from our Solicitor, a copy of the particulars from our last house sale and they phoned my OH's new Employer here and the people we have our short term rental from and they were more than happy with that. So if you can get any of that it should help. Good luck Jo x
  10. Hi, We just arrived over 2 weeks ago with £6,000 and we have managed to secure a rental, bought a car and all the other little outgoings you'll find you have to pay out on. If you have jobs to come to I would say go for it and if you have PR visa even better as you are entitled to Famiy Assistance and Rent Assistance. I admit that initial £6,000 has all gone and we have the last of our money (£4000) which we have just transferred over but are hoping not to touch since OH is earning. We were really worried about how little we were coming out with but it can be done. Like HEAPS GOOD said you just have to hit the ground running which we did and are still doing but life is good or should I say Heaps Good!! . Jo x
  11. Welcome to Oz hope you get over Jetlag soon it seemed to take days for us to get over it. Look forward to meeting up. Jo x
  12. Hi Haley, Ben's in Rm 4 Mrs Stratos's Class he's really enjoying it and Sienna couldn't get into the Kindy but she'll start Reception in October so there's not much point in putting her in anywhere now. Maybe I'll see you at the school?? Jo x
  13. Hi Ffion, Yes that was me!! Coffee sounds good just let me know when suits. See you at School! Jo x
  14. Sounds good will give you a shout when we finally move into our new place. Derek's desperate to get out fishing so maybe when he's sorted with some gear he could go out with you?? Jo
  15. Cannons

    Were Coming!

    Good luck with everything I know how you must be feeling just over two weeks ago we were doing the same. Keep us posted as to how your getting on. Jo x
  16. Hi Guys, Well I can't believe it has only been 2 weeks since we arrived it feels more like 4 weeks probably because we've never stopped. Derek had a meeting the day after we arrived regarding work and was offered a job there and then so that was a huge weight off our minds and meant we were able to get on with all the other important jobs like sorting out medicare, driving licences, family assistance, tax file numbers to bigger things like buying a car, securing a rental and getting kids into school. Also since being pregnant I have had quite a few appointments with doctors and midwives which has also included a trip to the Emergency Department!!!!!!!!!!! which I could have done without having only been here a week at the time but thankfully it all turned out ok. Have to say the weather hasn't been quite what we expected and having spoke to a few aussies they are saying its the coldest winter for years and years, but it can only get better and it hasn't stopped me going to the beach's a few times which I have to say are stunning. I have been really surprised at how friendly and helpful the locals have been and its so refreshing to walk into a shop even and be asked 'hows it goin?' and told to 'enjoy the rest of your day', certainly something that never happened in the UK. The rental we have secured is in Seaford Meadows and is a lovely new build. My son started School on Tuesday in Year 1 and when he came out I asked him how it went and he said 'Its the best school in the world' so cute, my daughter will start Reception in October. It will seem strange both of them being away all day but with No 3 due on 6th October its probably quite a good thing. We unfortunately can't move into our rental for a few weeks yet as our container isn't due until 17th September. I think the hardest thing I have found is the food shopping and prices you immediately think things are so expensive (which a lot of stuff is) cause your looking at dollars and then I'm trying to work out what it would be in pounds which I know I have to try and stop doing, I am slowly getting used to shopping about rather than just getting everything in the one place. We still haven't managed to meet up with anyone from PIA properly yet but maybe once the better weather comes in there will be more opportunity to get out and meet people. Derek is settling in at work slowly (this is only his first week) and although its the same type of work as he was doing back home think it will take a while to get used to it. Good thing is he's got a work van so one less expense we thought we'd have. Haven't seen much wildlife yet a few Kangaroos at a distance, some huge Pelicans flying over the Ocean and lots of big Hairy Caterpillars!! Thankfully no spiders yet!! Everything seems to have fallen into place for us so far and after such a bad run of luck in the UK we are hopeful that it will continue. So what do we think of South Australia so far - well despite the weather we think its HEAPS GOOD!!!! Advice to those thinking of coming - just do it, we came with very little money and are managing to make it work it has been a hectic 2 weeks but we are pretty sorted now and have a good feeling all the stress and hard work will have been worth it!! Look forward to getting to meet some of you in the coming months and thanks for all your help and advice in getting us to where we are now . Jo xx
  17. Cannons

    On our way

    Hi Karen, Hope you have a good flight and the kids sleep! We've been here 12 days now and it already feels like a lot longer its been non stop. Hopefully meet up with you soon. Jo x
  18. Hi Julie, Was in K-Mart today and saw the table and chairs you were talking about, it is really nice and just the size we wanted I'll speak to Derek when he get in!! not sure how we'd get it home if we bought it though . Jo x
  19. Very nice but a bit too pricey !!!!
  20. Hello, back with more questions, got word on friday that we've secured a rental so to get us right in to the Australian lifestyle we need a BBQ and outside table and chairs and my questions are....... Where should we go to buy a BBQ? and where would be best place to go for garden furniture - table and chairs? Thanks Derek
  21. Thanks for the advice Seaford K-7 would certainly be the closest and handiest if I wanted to walk. I will go in and have a look around them all this week. Jo x
  22. OMG wish you hadn't put on that link think I'm in love lol!!! My cats in the UK were both rescue cats and had the best nature and personality so definately an option to get another one. My Husband loves grey cats and has always wanted one which is one of the reasons for considering a Russian Blue. I will definately have a look at the RSPCA and see what they have I certianly couldn't justify $350 for a pedigree kitten right now. Jo x PS sorry about your cat that got run over
  23. Thanks Julie, yes we'll definately have a quieter weekend but it does feel good to have these things done and out the way. Will call you soon to meet up. Jo x
  24. Hi We have been here a week and a day and didn't want to put the kids into School/Kindy until we knew where we'd end up renting. Well today we secured a rental in Seaford Meadows so my question now is what School?? Seaford Primary is the closest with Moana being second nearest or theres Port Noarlunga which is near where our temporary accommodation is at the moment and is the School I was going to send them to. What are your guys opinions of the 3?? Thanks Jo x
  25. Thanks Diane we feel like we've never stopped and today we managed to secure a rental so thats another job ticked off the list. Can I just ask what kind of cat you have?? My wife is keen to get a cat and had been looking at Russian Blues is that what yours is?? Derek
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