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Everything posted by Cannons

  1. Thanks everyone, would certainly help to save some money somewhere so its good to hear you all had no problems. We have 6 weeks in UK once we leave our house and 8 weeks accommodation once we get to Oz so plenty of time for our shipment to arrive and find a rental (hopefully ). Kangomik - your not the only one gobsmacked at price of 20ft container I was hoping it would be nearer £3500. The shared container with PSS is going to be £3300!!!! Thanks again. Jo
  2. Hi Everyone, Just wondered if anyone had any advice on using a shared container. We have had 4 quotes in now for a 20ft container all coming in round about the same price (£4000). PSS have given a price also for a shared container and it would save us over £700 using this option so are very tempted. Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks. Jo x
  3. Hi everyone, We will be moving over at the end of July and just wondered what we should expect temperature wise so we know what clothes to bring and what can get put in shipping. Thanks Jo
  4. Was sorry to hear about your cat but I think you've done the right thing especially for the kids. Cats are great pets so full of fun and affection. Our cat has been missing since last Thursday she's gone missing before and we've always got her back as she is microchipped. I got a call from the Vet this morning to say she'd been handed in and was in a bit of a mess she has a wound on her front leg and was covered in wet moss like stuff and was in shock, they had to give her an anesthetic so they could fix her wound which they think is bite from something and she is now on fluids for the night. I went into visit her and she looks so sad. I should hopefully get her home tomorrow but now I feel really bad cause in a few weeks we are going to start to have to look for a new home for her as unfortunately we can't afford to bring her with us. Sorry for rambling and hijacking this thread just wanted to share with someone. Jo
  5. Saraho - We have provisionally booked a house in Port Noarlunga and will book it properly once our house sale is comfirmed, also heard that the local primary school has quite a good reputation, maybe meet up once we get here it would be good to get the kids mixing to make new friends quickly. Everyone else - Thanks for your responses i'll take a note of all those shops and my wife can add them to her big book of lists. Cheers Derek
  6. Hi, our family is due to be arriving in Adelaide towards the end of july if the house sale goes through fingers crossed, and with my wife being pregnant with our third child i was wondering if anyone could tell me the names of any equivelant shops to Mothercare, Babysrus so we can start having a look at car seats and cots and stuff. Also anyone got any good sites for second hand cars? Thanks in advance, Derek.
  7. We are getting quotes from Pickfords, White & Co, PSS and Doree Bonar hopefully we'll be able to get one or two of them to come down in price to get our business. We are shipping everything as we will have no money to buy new stuff in Oz and I believe that £3500 - £4000 to ship everything is still going to be cheaper than replacing everything we have. Any other shippig Co's we should try? Had Anglo out last year as well but have since heard not such good things about them. Jo x
  8. Hi Just wondered what sort of prices people where being quoted for shipping lately. We will be looking at a 20ft container and when we got prices last year they were coming in around £3500. Have been on the phone to removal companies to get more up to date prices and one of them who quoted last year mentioned how freight prices have gone through the roof so they'd be better coming out to do a fresh quote. I have 4 companies coming out so hoping between the 4 we can keep it to as close to the £3500 as possible. Jo
  9. Hi Von, Good luck with house and job hope it all works out for you. Our house has been on since March last year . Don't think you ever recover from the baby brain . Jo x
  10. Hi, It was sad but she will be much better off at her new home he has 16 other dogs and he is going to work her so she'll get plenty excersise. We phoned 2 days after she went to see how she was getting on and he said she's picking up his commands really quick and showing lots of potential. Just had the official offer through this afternoon and the entry date they have stated is 30 June so we will move in with my dad for 4-5 weeks to tie things up here and then off we go. Until missives are signed I'm still not going to get too excited as we have had two offers previously that have fallen through. My head is spinning already at the thought of all the things that need arranging and with baby brain its not easy . I see you have a job offer that must take a bit of the pressure off. When are you hoping to go? Jo
  11. Hi Jane & Tony, We are in the same position just accepted an offer on our house which has left us with only £10,000 to come out with, we have also just rehomed our little working cocker spaniel as we can not afford to bring her she has gone to live with a Gamekeeper so will be in her element. We know £10,000 is very little and it will be hard but we've waited so long for this also that we're going to give it a go and hope that it works for us. Good luck with what ever you decide. Jo
  12. Hi well after a year and a bit of having the houes on the market, loads of interest 2 offers that have fell through, we now have our 3rd offer and fingers crossed this is the one. The offer was £25,000 below the valuation and we managed to get them to come up by £5,000 so a drop of £20,000 from the valuation but only a drop of £10,000 to what we paid 2 years ago. We just weren't prepared to wait any longer and I'm expecting our 3rd child so this will hopefully mean we can make the move before baby arrives. We will be coming with very litttle money are determination to make it work. Hope you get the quick sale you are after. Jo x
  13. Hi, if you send your ARTC from the UK they won't post the cert to the UK but they will hold on to it till you get there, thats why most people put the address of a OZ friend so that the cert gets sent straight out to the OZ address then get your friend to forward it on to you. Del
  14. Cannons

    Uk tv

    oh well worth a try,
  15. Cannons

    Uk tv

    Hi thought some of you might be interested in this, heard on the radio of this new web site that lets you watch UK tv online maybe someone in OZ could try it and lets us all know. www.seesaw.com Del
  16. keep posting the pictures of your catches Tyke, i've never been in to fishing but the more pic's i see the more i want to get a boat and start fishing when we get over, cheers Del
  17. What happens with the child trust fund`s from the govenment when you leave the uk? Thanks in advance
  18. Hi, In case anyones interested just saw a clip for the new series of Relocation Relocation starts nexts week on Wednesday (just the normal show) and then its on on Friday with Phil Spencer and he's helping people who want to move to Oz, think its on at 8.00pm should be quite good. Jo
  19. £3.99 in morrisons just now for one of those big tins !!!!!
  20. mayjess Really feel for you we too are trying to sell our house but have till 2012 before our visa runs out. Stay positive if its meant to be it will youv'e got a year so theres a good chance you'll get a buyer within that time things are picking up. Good luck and keep us posted.
  21. This has happened before and it took hours for it to be removed. My concern also that kids will see it.
  22. What a beautiful house - we too will have to keep dreaming well out of our price range. Good luck with the sale I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding a buyer.
  23. Cannons

    one week in

    Well done for getting so much done you sound very organised. Its great to here how much your loving it already and I hope we feel the same when we get there. Good luck with your new life in Adelaide . Jo & Derek
  24. That was brill put a smile on my face too would have loved to have been there.
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