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Everything posted by Cannons

  1. Cannons

    Hi Everyone

    Hi Pete, Thank you so much for post. Definately prepared to do anything for work (within reason ). Cannon family
  2. Cannons

    Hi Everyone

    Hi HG Think my OH would love work in Bunnings as he's never out of B and Q here. I've seen quite a few posts by Too Easy and was hoping to pick his brains if we get stuck with ARTC. Hopefully be with you in the not to distant future.
  3. Cannons

    Hi Everyone

    We have been browsing this site (on a daily basis!) for a while now and everyone seems so friendly and helpful so thought we would say hi. We have had our house on the market for about 10 weeks now and although we have had a steady stream of people through the door as yet no offer . My husband is an Electrician so is busy filling out his ARTC application so we can get things moving before we get to Adelaide. What is the work situation like for Electricians at the moment ? Apart from have the odd wobble - will we settle, make friends, find work, miss friends back home, we are desperate to get over there and start our new life. I'm sure I'll be back with lots of questions (that have probably already been asked and answered :v_SPIN:). Bye for now
  4. Hi everyone, Does anyone know if the OAA accepts dogs. Regards Derek
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