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Everything posted by newlife

  1. Hi, we done our TRA last july and got a bankers draft from our bank, this was then sent with the TRA with no problems. The bank did make a charge for this, I think it was about £10 Wendy
  2. We totally agree with you, The country that we grew up in and loved has disapeared under Labours rule. We cant see a future for our kids either so that is why we are going to Australia. Dont get me wrong we are proud of the fact that we and our children are British, but worry about how British Britain is now it is controlled by Europe and America Andy and Wendy
  3. Hi Thanks for all the good wishes, Iam still sober-ish as I have to get kids up in the morning for school and nursery. Hubby though is working his way through a crate of stella! Ideally we would like to be in Oz before July but I'm not sure how possible this is as I dont know how long it takes to sell a house. This is our first time. Exitement is starting to creep up on me now and I keep getting butterflys in my belly everytime hubby says that we are definatly going now not if! Wendy
  4. We recived a phone call this morning from our agent telling us we had recieved our visas. Hasnt quite sunk in yet as we still need to sell the house before we can go! Have a bottle of sparkly on ice ready for when husband gets home then I can nag him to finish the house! Anyhow, good luck all those still waiting Wendy
  5. hi, we had medicals about 3 weeks ago in Hitchin, Hertfordshire they cost us £180 per adult (this included x-rays and blood test. HIV only) £60 per child (too young for x-rays and blood test) £30 postage to Sydney Hope this helps Wendy
  6. Hi In answer to your question about suburbs try suburb profiles @ domain.com.au Hope this helps Wendy
  7. Hi, We have been browsing this forum for a few weeks now and thought it was time to introduce ourselves. My name is Wendy and I am a wife and mother of 3, Bailey 6, Hannah 3 and Frankie 1. We are hopefully in the final stages of our application, we have medicals next friday (30th) and the police checks have been applied for. We hope to have our visa by June and if the house sells quick enough (going on the market in next 3 weeks) we want to be in Adelaide by July. We will be staying with family initially but want to get settled quick as I dont want Bailey to be out of school for too long.
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