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Everything posted by Peeyush

  1. Hi Not member3, I apologise that I am asking to you.I saw the excel today and the visa for you has been rejected because you travelled twice. So when it says 2 years, can we include travelling or should we take it out and file visa once we literally have completed 2 years?
  2. HI Raed, As per visa rules, you need to be onshore when applying for visa, also, it will be granted only when you are onshore. Onshore here means in Australia. It may jeopardise the visa. So think twice and may take a professional advice on it. Thanks
  3. Can't really say Nemathmatt... it may be tomorrow, a week or a month.... but it is not far now Just out of curiosity, when did you apply for visa....?
  4. Hey Jose, You are correct that any PCC lasts for a year only. Thus, you should apply for another PCC. It takes around 2 weeks on an average. Thanks
  5. Great.. April people are starting to get grants...
  6. Hi Maz, It is still required, as any police clearance is valid for 1 year. Hi Sam, The address on bridging visa for your visa is same as on the passport. So it is fine. I am not sure about Medicare. Thanks
  7. Have you been contacted by co yet? Or you are in process. I applied on 20 May, 2017
  8. HI Tapas, There is no harm in getting one. It's better to give it now rather than to wait later and get the visa process delayed. Regards
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