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Everything posted by yenajisjaney

  1. yenajisjaney

    Beach awnings

    i got for 29 bucks like a tent but open on each sides..got it from anaconda at mile end today...bargain
  2. i was never asked for my payslips...i only sent my college/uni transcript of records, cert. of my graduation, all work experiences, last employment certificates.....
  3. i do my shopping at woolies...we do big shopping like every 2-3 weeks depends on our stock...we buy this big slab of meat and just cut in sizes we recquire and stock them in the freezer...goodguys sometimes cheap to bu electronics etc..i also go to sunday market /farmer's market to buy some veggies...as you can get it there cheaper than the supermarket ones..and some fruits too..i got down gepps cross sunday market...although we live at seaford ....we've been here for 6 months now...
  4. hi have u enquired with PSS REMOVALS?
  5. i got reservations ...elizabeth although theres a big shopping centre there, personally i will not live there not to mention enroll my kids there, it's like a rough town !!! i would look around first if i were you...
  6. hey why not look down south..its much prettier down south, u got the lovely beaches too ..but i suppose it all depends to where you will be exactly working..i work in the city and i dont mind the 40-45 minutes drive each way...
  7. hi we moved here 4 months ago....so far so good we like it over here, the first few weeks are hard due to the fact that you have to find a house---minding that we had problem in breaking our lease...secondly, finding a car, furnishing etc...but now my hubby got a job as a domestic cleaner at the RAH and i work as a nurse there, so far our budget is holding up..we now live at seaford which is far more better than our rental up in north adelaide...kids loves the out door, like today weather is so nice, we had a lazy time at the beach before my hubby goes to work... shopping wise we found the veggies here are more fresh..we go to sunday market near gepps cross..somtimes to our local market down willunga...we also live in a 3 bedroom house back in the u.k. but this rental here is far much better...its also a 3 bedroom house...glenelg can be a bit pricy in terms for rental so i would suggest look around first before you commit to a long term lease---u dont want to make mistake like we did!...
  8. yenajisjaney


    we flown with cathay.. and we are allowed on 20 kgs....so i have to give away some clothes
  9. i would say they're crazy drivers over here...for instance the amount of patients comes in to the hospital...like in our area ..mostly a rollover mva...most of em end up tetraplegic...and if you stick to the speed limit overhere, they flash em lights at u, even honk at u..
  10. hmmm hg..u are situated at seaford? we are in seaford meadows...not far eh?
  11. we are excited as its gets near to the date we go camping...with some friends...
  12. hi i dont know how far u r from where we are living--seaford but your welcome to pop in for a cup of coffee, i got 3 kids aged--11, 5, 4...hope to see you
  13. yenajisjaney

    Plasma Tv

    definitely buy once u arrive here..firstly the plug is different from the uk, secondly u can haggle at the electronic shops here or you can put them on layby's....
  14. hi, one more nice place to see is granite island, its down at victor harbour... would love to meet up with some of you guys too..
  15. just be warned that they overtake and undertake u over here...
  16. hi is there any marks or dents on it? possible to have a look?? we live at seaford meadows...thanks
  17. hi i am using telstra, i have to upgrade to their wireless connections as there's no adsl conncetion in our area....so far its been good, slow but i think its my p.c. that i need to upgrade...
  18. yenajisjaney

    New Arrivals

    hi there, g'day..welcome to adelaide...we've been here for about 4 months now...and moved down south..just a piece of advise if your house hunting i recommend the southern suburbs....we were living up north..and it wasnt nice...but since we moved here at seaford meadows..loving evry bit of it!...we also wud luv to meet some new friends...thanks
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