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Everything posted by kevt

  1. i just wondered how people make money from it, as a painter of mostly new houses i paint a lot of investment properties and you see the same people building several house at a time, which makes you think there must be money in it. someone please tell me how to make some money. Kevin
  2. Always wanted to do property development/ renovations. just wondered if anyone is building / renovating an invetment property and how you got started, seems you need a good bit of money behind you and you need to get property or land at a good price to make it worth while. Also do you sell the property straight away or rent it. just wanted to hear peoples thoughts and ideas. thanks kevin
  3. Hi Marcus, I don't have anything at the moment but will keep your details in case something comes up. Good luck Kevin
  4. Congratulations on the start of your house building. One thing i would say is take plenty of pictures at all stages of the build, when we built the builder tried to charge us an extra $1400 for extra concrete needed for the slab, this was 11 weeks after they poured the slab. They tried to say that the trenches collapsed prior to pouring the concrete due to rain, fourtunatly we had taken loads of pictured and proved that this was not the case and the fact that there was no rain for the whole month that the concrete was poured, they backed down in the end. One more thing, as i paint new builds check what quality paint you are getting when you do your selections as most builders only provide 2 coats of the cheapest paint as standard and you will find that its not very good and once marked will not clean, i always give the owner a chance to upgrade to 3 coats and finish in a top quality paint. The builder will charge you quite a bit for this or you can take a chance and see if the painter that does your house can upgrade you on the side. good luck with it all. kevin
  5. kevt


    Thanks Steve, already knew most of that but gardening is not my thing, i like a nice garden and don't mind a bit of weeding and cutting what grass is left but thats all i have time for really. so just wanted someone to do the rest really. we do have quite a few natives already and your right the birds do love them and our veggie patch. thansk kevin
  6. kevt


    Just wondering if anyone can recommend a gardener, not someone to cut grass and weed, but someone that knows about plants, when and how to prune, what type of feed and when etc. I keep spending money on plants and they either die or just go too mad for where they have been put, so am looking for someone to come in and help get the garden up to scratch and then every so often treat/ prune the plants. I am based in Seaford. thanks in advance for any help Kevin
  7. Thanks Andy,

    thought like you i could drum up some more business and maybe find some extra painters, or at least help some get settled.



  8. Kevin Tracey Painter & Decorator Give us a call and i will give you a free Quote All aspects of painting. If you need help and advice on colours schemes then i can do that too. 22 years experience. If you are looking to brighten up your life or add the wow factor to a house for sale you have come to the right place. if any painters are looking for work give us a call, i am always on the lookout for extra painters.
  9. don't know much about sat nav but this site does them as well as other electrical items and there prices are good- LCD TV, LED TV Deals from the LCD TV Specialists. Best value LCD TV discounts in Australia - Kogan Technologies Pty Ltd see what you think kevin
  10. If any painters are looking for work please PM me and i may be able to help you or know someone that can, there is loads of work available for the right people. Kevin Tracey
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