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Everything posted by nelakash

  1. HI su89 Thanks for your comments but sorry so far I haven't received any docs. I am guessing that I have uploaded the enormous amount of docs that's why CO digging my docs.
  2. Hi all, I am refreshing my email every few mins but didn't receive anything yet. Also checked my immi account file still shows Received. Do you guy think CO has allocated my file internally and checking my docs or They haven't touch yet? How is this process work? Any suggestion?
  3. Hi Su89 & other members Thanks for your lovely comments. As soon as I hear anything from immi I will share in this forum. Please pray for me.
  4. Bro, believe me I have paid the migration agent fees to lodge my visa but later on I decided to lodge my visa myself and I didn’t asked him to refund the money. Only reason I did it for my own satisfaction. When my agent Organizing my file I have seen many docs was black and white and no jp or mara certified. So I decided to lodge myself and attached whatever I think right. If application dely I can blame myself not other person.
  5. Hi Tpsk i am sorry to know that u didn’t get the direct grant. I can see u r an active experience member of this forum why u didn’t submit the form 80 initially? Also why they asked living and job proof? Did u not submit?
  6. Hi su89 Hopefully, god will listen to your wish soon.
  7. Hi Tpsk My heartbeat is pumping since yesterday. If department take more dely on my application my heart going to blast. Department is unpredictable and we can’t predict what’s on their mind. They don’t follow any pattern.
  8. Why so quiet today? its July now and case officer should be on fire.
  9. Dear Poonam, Very limited number of applicant will understand your situation and I am one of them. I can understand how painful it is. Due to PR issue I have to pay extra around $80K on Property. Funny thing was I wasn’t aware anything about this and my fucken solicitor didn’t inform me initially. Anyway, last 1 year property value increased. And I am currently in breakeven point on my imagination. I know one thing that ever happened it’s happen for our good. So don’t know as you invest on property it will never let you down.
  10. Congratulation Tripaadi, I thought case office forget to accept the new application. But your grant news makes us bit relief
  11. HI Navdeep It's unreal. Whoever applies the 887 visa doesn't matter, its impossible that department breaks the quote. Only possible if the applicant situation some kind of emergency or exceptional case. So please ignore such reference case.
  12. Dear Deftown, If you signed any kinds of agreement or contract related property or land you must need to get FIRB approval prior sign the contract. Once you signed the contract by law you need to pay the stamp duty + surcharge within 3 months time. Sometimes land might take longer time for settlement. If you get ur PR prior settlement you will be eligible for surcharge duty refund. Or if you get the land settlement prior ur PR then you surcharge duty won't be refundable. If anyone breach this law have to suffer the criminal penalty or civil penalty https://firb.gov.au/resources/guidance/gn01/ (Overview) https://firb.gov.au/resources/guidance/gn11/ ( Penalties and offences for non-compliance) Regarding surcharge duty refund follow are the link http://www.revenue.nsw.gov.au/taxes/spd Are refunds given when the property is transferred to persons who are no longer foreign on transfer? Yes. If surcharge has been paid on an agreement for sale or transfer of residential related property, and the Chief Commissioner is satisfied that none of the transferees, in respect of a transfer made in conformity or partial conformity with the agreement, are foreign persons, a refund may be sought once all transferees are registered on title.
  13. The penalty for non-compliance of FIRB http://firb.gov.au/resources/guidance/gn11/
  14. Hi Paras, I don't wanna scare you but its law in Australia. if you purchased any property or land or signed any off the plan land must need to report to the FIRB and pay the surcharge dute. If you don't do and get away with in later on you much get the huge penalty. Also how u get the certificate of title its mean you paid off the land price? Caz normally bank taken away from you the certificate of title.
  15. Dear All, I am kind of expert on property related matter as I am huge victim. Anyone who applied for 887 visa and got bridging visa doesn’t effect until the 489 visa valid. Any temporary visa holder government treated as a foreign person. So anyone purchased or signed any kind of agreement must need to follow the following rules. A. Must need to FIRB approval which cost around $5000.00 + B. Full Stamp Duty (No one get any first home owner benefit. + C. Surcharge Duty: If anyone purchased property from 1st july 2016 to 30th June 2017 need to pay additional 4% (of total property price surcharge). If property price 500000.00 need to pay additionally $20000. Or Anyone purchased property from 1st july 2017 to 30th June 2018 need to pay additional 8% (of total property price surcharge). This mean property This mean if you pucharged a property during TR you have to pay $500000.00 worth property additionally + $24000 stamp duty+ FIRB $5000 + Surcharge due depend 4% or 8 % of $20000 or $40000.00 Total $549000 or $569000.00 I have done a settlement of our property after 6 month later my mother f’’ker solicitor called me and said I Have to pay the surcharged duty of $20000 additionally and he reported on review in Revenue NSW and currently I am fighing with this. Recomondation not to buy or signed any contract during TR.
  16. Congratulation on your grant..... You deserve most of it
  17. Hi Russki, Do you know why people like you very much? Caz you always talk about positive things. That makes us comfort this transitional period. Few members without much knowledge share negative info which makes other people scared. Bye, the way I like you so much. Regards Nelakash
  18. Congratulation kate for your grant.... I think Case officer not going access new fill till july. last 2-3 weeks all old files
  19. HI Based on the information Case officer asked only to provide the 2 years of residency proof. Whatever docs you submit CO not satisfied that's why asked further docs. Below are the recommendations you may submit. 1. last 2 years Full bank statements with the address. (filtering makes fishy) 2. Car registration docs + Car insurance 3. Health Insurance docs where the address is mentioned. 4. Any kinds of parcel/gift that deliver to the address (that receipt) 5. Taxation docs where your address mentioned. 6. All utility bills including Electricity bill, Gas bill, Internet bill etc where the address is mentioned. 7. Rental agreement & rent lager( can obtain from the real esate agent) 8. As you mentioned you stayed with friends house 3 month you can provide following things a. Statuary Declaration signed by JP b. Any kinds of the letter where you received while you stayed at Friends house like bills, payslips from job etc c. If you paid the rent or bill while you stay at ur friends house that statement too. As you lived 3 months with ur friends at the regional area and claim that period you must need to submit some strong evidence.
  20. Don't tell such think CO may lazy again. hahahaha
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