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Everything posted by Kate

  1. Question to everyone, I applied on the 18th of November 2017, APF got as of 28.07.2017. Do I need to get a new APF, more recent one or not?
  2. I did the same. I downloaded old PCC from overseas and a new one as well, also Australian clearance. Just in case downloaded invoices from Dental Care, statutory declaration etc. the more - the better:) I travelled overseas in December 2017 for 3 weeks and just FYI I downloaded a signed statement - notification of holidays- saying "as per border.gov request (attached link to a paragraph)...notifying of my upcoming holiday.. "; also attached communication with migration regarding DIBP Officers - to whom I talked, position nr, time/date confirming that I notified them via phone as well. Maybe this info will be useful for someone.
  3. Russki, seems like you became a professional consultant for everyone about various queries good on you mate!
  4. Hi 887_2018, Applied on the 18.11.2017 - status Received - no update so far According to your stats hoping to get my Golden Mail at least in the mid of April
  5. I am also still waiting no CO so far Status - received to be assessed. Applied on the 18.11.2017
  6. Hi Russki, Excel has been updated good luck with your visa....some funny stories you posted the way your visa is being processed! seems like you are special. ha-ha. good luck anyway!!!
  7. Hi, I am new as well! However keep reading everyone's posts for quite a while now. I applied for 887 on the 18th of November. No update so far. Status - received to be assessed
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