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Everything posted by 887_2018

  1. Same thing for me as well. I applied on 8/11/2017, status Received. COs will open November applications on next week, I guess so. It's getting Near day by day
  2. Everything is in their hands mate. Waiting is the only thing we can do from our side.
  3. No, not yet. I applied on 8/11/2017, status still RECEIVED
  4. Hi friends ?, It's a new beginning of a new month. I wish this month fills with lots of 887 visa grants and make our members happy. Wish you all the best ?
  5. Upload your bank statements, income tax assessment. These shows your address as well. As you already got a letter from owner, you should be fine.
  6. Don't worry friend. You are so close. Be positive, even your can get it today.
  7. It changed after their system maintenance. I can't remember exact date, because they often do System maintenances
  8. Same in my immi account. I don't think it will affect
  9. Have you signed photos? I have uploaded our passport size photos, but didn't sign
  10. Congratulations mate. Enjoy your freedom ?
  11. According to the timeline of current visa grants, you will have to wait until 20th May 2018 unless COs speed up processing ?
  12. Hi mate, congratulations. Enjoy the freedom now ?
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