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Everything posted by 887_2018

  1. He should hear something within this week Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Use TAPATALK Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. For last couple of days, this forum is inactive as it didn't allow members to post anything on it. It's still same. ? It's better to use TAPATALK [emoji106] Frustration is getting worse when we are unable to post anything in the forum. Not only COs , but also the FORUM increase our stress. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Hi , I found same difficulties in posting in the forum for last two days. Don't know why. It seems COs are processing applications slowly. But whatever they do, it's out of our control. Sometimes waiting for a grant is too frustrating, specially when we didn't hear any good news for the members who lodged their visas in mid October last year. It seems COs are still processing mid October applications but they take long time. Mine is early November, so I will have to wait at least 2 or 3 weeks to get any response from them. Waiting is too frustrating for me Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Yes. If they ask, it will delay the process. Don't apply through high commissions, it takes at least 3 months to get PCC. If you can apply directly, that's faster
  6. For less stress, I reckon you to apply PCC soon. In my case , I applied SL PCC last Friday
  7. Definitely you will hear from them before 30th March
  8. I checked immi account. Now we can't find processing time inside immi account. Earlier it was there. I think that they have removed that.
  9. Sam, MV2010, Arun, Singh you should get direct grant or CO should contact you this week. Kindly keep posted if you have any news. It helps everyone ?
  10. Thanks mate. But their processing time still same.They haven't updated it yet.
  11. Good morning friends, Get ready...!!! Hopefully some members who are in the waiting list will get their grants this week. ? Wish you all good luck ?
  12. It's better to wait additional 30days and apply
  13. Thanks for the suggestion mate. Appreciated ?
  14. Hi Russky, Do you know the address of Adelaide immigration office? I am going to apply PCC from home country. For that I need the address where Police Clearance Certificate should be addressed to.... When I applied for the PCC for my 489 visa in 2015, PCC addressed to ..... Department of immigration and border protection, level 4, 55, Currie Street, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia is this the address that new PCC addressed to?? Kindly reply me. It will help me a lot ?
  15. Department of immigration and border protection, level 4, 55, Currie Street, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia is this the address that PCC addressed to?? Kindly reply me
  16. Yes. I am going to apply now. Thanks for the info. Appreciated ?
  17. Department of immigration and border protection, level 4, 55, Currie Street, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia is this the address that PCC addressed to?? Kindly reply me
  18. Thank you very much for your kind reply. I applied on 8th November 2017. Could you please tell me what you wrote for the following question in PCC online application? Question 9 - Reference of the High Commission/ Embassy/ Consulate: Question 10 - High Commission/ Embassy/ Consulate Name (Addressee & the Name of the Authority) : Question 19 - Present address in Srilanka Question 20 - Overseas address Did you write your SL home address for Q19? And Aus address for Q20? If you can answer these questions , it's very helpful to me. Thank you very much ?
  19. Hi Nish, did you apply through SL police website online? Which address did you put to receive the PCC? Australian address or Sri Lankan address? Did they email you? Kindly reply me asap. I am going to apply today. Many thanks
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