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Everything posted by toot

  1. See I was looking for you to give the Grant congrats Hun
  2. Oh its 1221 season again. There are seasons in this Forum 1. Is 1221 mandatory Season? 2. Do I have to certify all documents Season 3. "Im so cool, why is every one frustratoed about processing times" season Just kidding, 1221 isnt mandatory there are so many ppl who got grants without 1221. But, its preferred if you are aiming for a direct grant.
  3. Oh I must have missed the message where she got a ''document request' . thats good news in a certain way.
  4. Where's @Honey ??? Long time no see?
  5. Yeah you gonna lose the money you invested on lands : thats cool theres land every where You need stability for the business that you run while working 8 -5 : ah thats cool start another one Parents are ill in your mother country : Ah thats cool give them video call Hotel : Trivago ?? Not sure you'll end up another year paying rent rather than owning a home : Nah thats cool homes are old school :)
  6. Generally speaking + looking at past cases : No, you dont need new overseas PCC of you didn't leave Aus.
  7. Hey mate, what do you think about below approach. Check with other members/ visa agent Reason for Journey : Granted on shore Arrival Date : Original Arrival date to Australia
  8. We were looking at the bright side just too long now we are blinded by it (JK, You are right mate, we just have to patiently wait)
  9. We dont need screenshots, this is not a fight with an angry girlfriend. We just have to state the fact and they would check if its true
  10. Cant we raise it to human rights? Source : https://www.humanrightscommission.vic.gov.au/human-rights/the-charter/complaints What sort of complaints can the Ombudsman investigate? People can complain about administrative action taken by a public authority. Administrative action may include a decision or action taken by a public authority, refusal to undertake certain activity or make a decision and creation of a proposal or recommendation. The Victorian Ombudsman can investigate whether administrative action breaches a human right set out in the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006.
  11. Is this shortened name used on your linked in? Is this shortened name used on your work Email?
  12. a GP should confirm that you have the mental courage to deal with a kid while waiting 15 months for VISA. (Im sorry mate, I dont know the answer to your question )
  13. its like inception, AFP has to be certified by Military, then that has to be certified by the special forces, then by the prime minister at the end by the queen. it goes on until we find our peace in regional areas Jokes aside, I dont think you have to certify AFP.
  14. Lets wait and see, seems like a special case scenario. Lets wait for more ppl to be contacted
  15. Check if it says "April Fools!" at the end of the Email? This is just ridiculous
  16. 1. Get a statutory declaration from who ever you lived with. (Relative / Friend / Friend with benefits etc) 2. Use all letters you got on your name with that address. (Utility bills preferred, phone bills, credit card bills : Worst case scenario go for traffic violations, personal letters, birthday cards)
  17. Im happy to add below in to our movement. " I/ We promise to vote for the government who fix these unacceptable visa delays for up coming 20 years. " - (hysterical evil laugh)
  18. Sing the Song - "Wake me up, when September ends!! " by green day
  19. Same address stated on your contract / pay slips
  20. If your job contract says : Full time permanent : you dont really have to show all pay slips. This is for people doing part-time jobs and struggling to prove they worked 35 hours every week. Regardless, more documents ensure your direct grant.
  21. Thanks mate, below is my two cents (Take it on the Chin ) 1. 887 visa holders have to hold 489, 487 - If they drop the EOI s for these two categories, it will reflect on number of 887 applications couple of years down the line. 2. 489 is a skilled visa, so most people tend to go for 189 /190 looking at the 887 waiting times. 3. Silent followers, there are so many leechers who does not bother updating excel with their information but rather check whats in there. (In their defense, the waiting time is too long so might as well wait a couple of months before updating details ) 4. Since 887 is disaster, ppl moving from 489 to 189 or 190 onshore And here we are, rest of the monkeys
  22. it takes time to flowers to bloom it takes time children to speak it takes time for great things to happen If you keep you eyes fixed on petals to appear you'd miss out how beautiful the sunshine is, for you puzzles will fix'em selves, if you give enough time great things will happen in time.. Do not miss out on life, while flowers bloom... it takes time for great things to happen... 17/03/2019 toot
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