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Everything posted by Andy.L

  1. Morning everyone, I hope everyone is keeping well, this is a very scary time we all are facing, praying for everyone's wellness. I need to apply for my son's Indian passport who is born here in Australia so I can add him on our 887 application. Currently the VFS office is close and call center is also closed due to the current situation ituation. I had created the profile on the Indian passport website and started his application, It's asking me to put his Aadhar card number before I can proceed further however I have not applied his Aadhar card yet and just wondering if anyone from here can share some knowledge and the information , what do I have to do in this situation to complete online application for indian passport for Minor. Can anyone please share some information for the passport application for Minor. Thanking everyone in and advance for your time and help, it's greatly appreciated.
  2. Dear All members, I need your help and expertise. We have been blessed with a Baby on 12.02.2020. I have uploaded form 1022 on my immigration account and have emailed the same form to immigration email address (gsm allocated). I have applied my son's birth certificate and will apply for his passport soon as I receive his birth certificate. Is there anything else I need to do for now until I receive his birth certificate? I have applied on 4th October and have been contacted on 22nd January for some documents, which I have already submitted. Please share your knowledge and expertise for my above query. Thanks in advance.
  3. My wife is pregnant at the moment, but I did not declared this anywhere... I think they knew through Medicare ...I guess..
  4. My wife is pregnant at the moment and I can only thing that could be the reason why they have requested her medical again...
  5. Yes, they have asked my wife's medical last week, applied in oct18. My wife has done the medical during 489 application.
  6. Hi All, Just wondering, if the case officer has asked anyone for their spouse's health assessment during 887 application? Given Yours spouse has already done the medical during 489 application process. Thanks in advance.
  7. I Live in regional area..and not close to any non regional area. I'm confused now, should I say anything about 2nd casual job or just provide all documents again for my main job only? - I'm not claiming my 2nd job hours at all in my 1 year of my job requirement. Cheers
  8. I didn't mention my 2nd job anywhere as I thought it's not necessary...not even on form 80 because my 2nd job is a casual so like sometimes I work 5-10 hours a week and thensometime I don't work at all...... I think I will resubmit all the requested documents of my main job only to be consistent... Hope that should suffice.
  9. Thanks JOGC, I have been working full time and also I was doing few casual hours in my second job. Hence, I only mentioned and provided documents for my work for the main job as I have been working 38 hours so there was not needed to mentioned my second job as I was not claiming those extra casual hours... do you think I should mention this to them given I'm not claiming my second job in my 1 year work experience. Appreciate any suggestions and help..
  10. I have been residing and working in regional area since last 3.5 years, Still living and working in regional area currently. my job is very good, I had changed the employer but everything is genuine and legit, I did provide letters from both of the employer..
  11. Thanks. It's my first contact. I was really hoping for Direct Grant, Bit disappointed after seeing the document request. Submitted 60 pay slips, letter from employer, superannuation statements, tax assessments, - after all they have asked the same info again along with my current occupation..it's disappointing
  12. I have no idea. Do you think I should ring them tomorrow and clarify? Also They have asked my current occupation...never seen before co has asked anyone..strange.
  13. I have already submitted my super statement too..
  14. Hi there, I got contacted today- requesting more documents as follows. 1. Work proof and evidence of my current occupation- I have submitted my 60 pay slips, letter from employer, tax assessments- not sure why they have asked again. I have attached the screen shot of requested documents. 2. They have asked my wife's medical,- again not sure - my wife has done medical during 489, however my wife is pregnant and may be that's the reason why they are asking for... Applied on 4th October18 CO Regina. Please share your ideas what else I should submit for delaying any further.. Thanks
  15. Have you been contacted before? It's a new week and hoping to get some good news this week.. Applied on 4th October 18 - Fingers crossed
  16. It's disappointing - waiting for my golden email to come through... applied in October 2018
  17. No, nothing at all...very sad and disappointing.. How About you?
  18. I have applied on 4th October 18, seems like most of the October files have been finalised except who applied On 4th... It's disappointing
  19. That's good to hear that you don't need to work in a uncomfortable situation anymore. All the best for the new life - and for New job- I'm sure you Will find work petty soon. Cheers
  20. Couple of us from this group are still waiting from early October18. Fingers crossed
  21. Thanks Anna, I'm sorry to hear about your work situation, Hope you too get your golden email soon and move on with new life!! Thanks for your wishes for my baby. All the best
  22. Hi Anna, Are you the only applicant or with family you have applied. I have applied with my wife - I'm the primary applicant, We are expecting our baby in 4 weeks , I really hope to get my golden email soon. Fingers crossed!!
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