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10th feb

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Everything posted by 10th feb

  1. And you have not been contacted even once??
  2. I think there are lot of people with those circumstances.. have u got yours like this?
  3. Got to know at a a work.. someone got a 887 visa grant today.. dont know further details.. have asked but not sure.. but grant is confirmed
  4. Congratulations mate.. thats great news.. Did u put in any complaints or was just on its own??
  5. @Dragon_Lavie did u meet the officer in your area??
  6. I dont know this might be the reasinnfor delay. I hope they pick the files now...
  7. Can you ask him if he still has some contacts in there and might be able to get us some imformation
  8. Does anyone know any employee working in immigration??
  9. Sorry mate.. nobody knows whats going on.. i think there is not much we can do
  10. Has someone tried speaking to the ombudsmen for immigration?? Can we do that??
  11. It just got updated today.. its the same.. unknown
  12. Hi.. if you dont mind .. how did u get hold of this person?? What area are u in if u dont mind me asking that..
  13. Yeah.. i spoke to them today as well.. said the same thing.. i asked whats wrong y r u guys not processing the applications.. said alls good..there are no issues.. he said you would have to wait indefinitely.. i was like do u hear what u r saying
  14. People who have applied through agents.. do they have any information about the processing times n stuff..?? This is getting really stressful now..
  15. I dont know what does this mean for us.. our immi a/c shows 12 to 14 months but website shows unknown.. seriously i dont know what next we can do..
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