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Everything posted by alsk

  1. Thanks @TAS887 I have my PTE which is now expired. Do you reckon I can still submit them as proof of English language. Otherwise, my degree certificates.
  2. Hello Wonderful community, Hope everyone are doing fine. Could someone confirm below points for me. 1.Do we need to take health examinations for 887 visa. 2. Could we use the same PTE/IELTS report used for 489 to 887. 2. If my dependents are stuck overseas, could I still go ahead with my application process and include them in my application(As per COVID concessions) 3. How long it takes for Indian embassy in Australia to process PCC request.
  3. We don’t need letter I guess. Isn’t the medium of study indicated as English in degree certificate. I have it clearly in my certs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I did see in DHA website, one of the condition to prove functional English is "you completed a degree, a higher degree, a diploma or a trade certificate in an institution in or outside Australia that required at least two years of full-time study and all instructions were in English" I am wondering why people are taking IELTS or PTE exam again. Here is the link https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/help-support/meeting-our-requirements/english-language/functional-english
  5. Could someone confirm if we can provide same functional English document for secondary applicant which was given during 489 visa application. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Your bridging visa will be active once 489 expires if you have lodged 887 application. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Hey Guys, Could someone confirm if the secondary applicant stays outside Australia for more than 90 days, will it be a problem for 887. I am the Primary applicant who is fulfilling all the conditions(Work and Residency). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I thing you should enter the date you started fulfilling residency requirement. Use residency requirement calculator in DHA website to double check. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Hello there, your dependent’s can travel, but there are two conditions here. 1. Is your 489 visa still active? Usually DHA gives you bridging visa A as soon as you lodge 887 that will get activated automatically once your 489 expires. If you and dependants are on bridging visa A, you can’t travel and you need to apply for bridging visa B. Your 887 application will be on hold until your family comes back to Australia. 2. If your 489 visa is still active, don’t worry about bridging. You can travel on 489 visa. However, your 887 will be kept on hold until they return. Applicants should be onshore when they make the decision about 887. I gained this info from DHA website. Hope this helps. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Oh! my God, Are you still waiting for the 887 grant since Jan'18
  11. Thanks Katie. Hope you got your BVA as I read they issue automatically once you lodge 887. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Guys, do we get bridging visa if our 489 gets expired once you apply for 887? Do we have exact working rights under bridging visa? Appreciate someone can clarify. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Thanks, SSH. Have you applied for 887 already? What's the usual turn around time for 887.
  14. Hello All, could someone confirm, Can a primary applicant fulfill the 2-year condition and include all the dependents or depends also should fulfill the conditions to be eligible for 887 visa. Trying to find this information across the web, but not getting an accurate one. Thanks, Alsk
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