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Everything posted by Doman

  1. Grant Grant Grant I just received my Grant today. Applied on 21 July 2018. Direct Grant by Regina
  2. Ha ha ha. Hope you get your golden grant tomorrow and we receive ours on Wednesday
  3. @Kapeelnext golden grant with be either yours or mine! Lets see....
  4. There is another interesting thing that I have been thinking over the last two weeks: Most of the grants belong to applicants either are new members in this forum whose details do not exist in our visa tracker, or friend's of this forum's members or some people that we heard from agents that they got grants. Not sure how to judge? But worth to think about it? How many of these grants can be genuine? If you look at the visa tracker, July applicants are almost doubled and most of the applicants who got the grants just signed up to this forum... I am surprised why we don't hear much from April, May and June applicants who are already contacted once or twice? Immigration is saying there are working on applications before July, but how many grants we have seen for people from Jan-June over the last 2 week?
  5. Yeah, a couple of weeks ago we had about 20 applicants for July in the spreadsheet. the numbers are now doubled. But that's fine, as long as grants are coming they will be all cleared soon.
  6. Looks like COs are cracking on July applications. Yeah, bring it on.... I can't wait to see my Golden email.
  7. No Amina. I just checked the spreadsheet. I think Joelam made a typo mistake. its meant to be 2018.
  8. Congrats Anoop. Wish you all the best ahead with your permanent residency. I am sure you will have lots of fun to do...
  9. Its usual if you can see their names in your immi account page. It appears in my page as well. It doesn't mean that Immigration will consider that they will be accompanying you. Don't worry, it should be alright.
  10. @WANGS, when you fill up the online application, there will be a question you will be asked about their details. Their will be option to chose either Accompanying or non Accompanying. You can select either one based on your situation. If your brother is on student visa, I can assume that he is over 18 years old and you can not put him as accompanying member. RE your parents, it depends. You cannot put them as accompanying members unless more than 50% family members have Australian permanent residency. There are some other ways you can think of putting them as accompanying member in your application, but its not as simple as possible. If you really want to do so, I suggest consult with an experienced agent. At this stage, if you are married, I suggest only put your wife and your kids in your application as accompanying member. If not, maybe proceed on a single person application.
  11. @Mazie, just a clarification, have you put them as "non accompanying"? or "accompanying"? Do you know that you cannot easily put your parents and sibling as "accompanying member" in your application without fulfilling the conditions. There are certain criteria and conditions that you and your parents have to meet them to be eligible for accompanying member in your application. e.g. if you want to put your parents as accompanying member, one of the conditions says that above 50% of the kid (your brothers and sisters) should be in Australia and they should have permanent residency. This is a very simple condition and there are some more to look into. Suggest to consult with an experienced immigration lawyer if you really would like to put your family in your application. Just to clarify, I didnt say its not possible. I flagged that there are some conditions and criteria that you need to pass them.
  12. @jasmin FR - First and foremost, you cannot move to metropolitan area unless you are on a 489 Family Sponsorship Regional Visa . Family Regional Sponsorship allows you to live and work in designated areas. Most of the Melbourne area is considered as designated area for this visa. However, if you are in 489 Regional Sponsorship Visa, you MUST live and work in regional area and you are not allowed to move to metropolitan suburbs unless your 489 Visa is expired and you are on bridging visa. Re working hours, it doesn't matter how many jobs you had to fullfill 35 hours per week. All you need to do is to get letters form your employers and add them together to show that you worked altogether 35 hours per week. Please attach them along with your pay slip and upload them to your immi account. Hope you can provide these info before you are assigned a CO.
  13. Please check the previous comments and pages, you will understand. Also, someone mentioned yesterday that she has a fried in immigration and she was told that these pages and forums are monitored. But if you want a real example, I can give you: Immigration tried to increase the processing time twice significantly over the last year. Every time that they increased the time, we started complaining and organising an action against them through this forum. suddenly they granted us a couple of grants to cool us down and give us some time to settle with their increased processing time. Once we are calmed and got used to their processing time, they stop giving grants. If you realised, people are not complaining too much over the last 5 days and pretty much immi feel we all accepted the increased time. So, no more grant is coming except a few...
  14. You can fill out as many as empty pages that you are given at the end of form 80. If they are not enough, grab some more empty pages from a blank form 80. All you need to do is to scan them together as a one pdf form 80 .
  15. @Judy, have you been in the visa tracking list?
  16. Congratulation Judy. Wish you all the best with our new lifestyle. Thanks for sharing the good news. Wilson is an Ace..
  17. Guys, I don't have any problem having the "Long Haul of 887" WhatsApp channel to gather people. But I am afraid this WhatsApp Channel will make the 887 Forum to be abandoned. Please note that 887 Forum has been very active page over the lat years and it was one of the best pages that helped applicants to pass their voice, comments and complains socially. I believe the 887 Forum is monitored by Immigration and if we don't post our complains and pressure through 887 Forum there wont be any progress from immigration side. Suggest lets start chatting and posting comment through 887 Forum.
  18. We have to speak up. We should not let immigration think that we settled and calmed down with the increased processing time. Please everyone do whatever you can, send feedback to immi, suggestion. or send story to SBS. Send email to David Coleman: david.coleman.mp@aph.gov.au and share your story very politely with him. strongly suggest give feedback to immigration about a couple of COs' performance.
  19. We have to speak up. We should not let immigration think that we settled and calmed down with the increased processing time. Please everyone do whatever you can, send feedback to immi, suggestion. or send story to SBS. Send email to David Coleman: david.coleman.mp@aph.gov.au and share your story very politely with him. strongly suggest, give feedback to immigration about a couple of COs' performance.
  20. Happy to do that. Is there any number I should call?
  21. Agree. Suggest everyone send an email to immi as a feedback and provide some general info regarding delaying the application. We can just set and example and give a couple of COs names. Even if we don't share the spreadsheet, it will still work
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