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Everything posted by Doman

  1. @rahi_verma88 If a purchaser obtains permanent residency on or before the date of the settlement the Foreign Purchaser Surcharge (%7 Stamp Duty) does not apply, regardless if the contract was signed as a temporary resident. However, you will be liable to pay a FIRB fee of$5600. So please make sure in your contract leave enough time for settlement in case if your visa delays.
  2. Thanks for the good news! I was sure in the morning that there will be a lot of golden grants from Immigration today. so far 4 grants! Enjoy with your new life...
  3. One thing I am sure that you will have to is to fill out the Form 1399 ,discharge of service form, when he came back to Australia. He also needs to get a discharge letter from Army and provide to Immigration.
  4. @Russkiwe may need an updated visa tracker to be posted here by the end of today as there will be more grants coming! Thanks in advance Russki.
  5. Congratulation! Very excited to see grant from April applicant. Surely big improvement...
  6. A few more grants today will make our day for sure. Come on silent followers...
  7. Oh no! Can't believe! we were just talking about you today... Congratulation and enjoy with your new life in the "land of honey and milk"
  8. No, but one applicant is contacted by CO requesting further documents.
  9. Most of the agents in Australia have the authority to certify the documents. They normally certify their applicants' documents before lodging the application. I hope your agent did the same way. Fingers crossed! Alternatively you can ask from your agent if they have certified or not. All the best...
  10. What a wonderful news in the morning to start the week. Thanks mate. Congratulations....
  11. I think that's because we have broken the website. You can't believe, I login at least 10 times a day to check if they have changed the processing time.
  12. Congrats Dawson! Have you submitted certified documents?
  13. Hey our new member fried. Tried really hard to not to reply your comment, but couldn't... I don't think you are suffering from any of the above mentioned dilemmas/challenges. Otherwise you wouldn't judge people's frustration and situation so easily. Your proposed solutions are very good and easy but just on a paper not in a real MARRIED LIFE WITH CHILDREN AND RENTAL HOUSE!
  14. No, I don't think so. If they fail the election, who is going to care how they were fast on processing the application or not. I think there are many reasons why they are doing much faster. 1. We have already passed the long holidays such as Christmas and Easter Holidays which caused lots of distractions for COs. 2. I believe applicants information is updated and now everyone knows what are the main documents to submit. You can see everybody is trying to complete all the forms , AFP and PCC before the CO opens his/her file. The other reason, maybe because of the new Regional Visa that will be introduced in November. As Dar8 said, they are trying to get rid of old application prior to November. Any more idea?? Overall the trend has been very positive over the last two weeks and hope this continue...
  15. I love the silent members, when they come and give us their Grant news!
  16. Not just for an agent. If someone is assisting the applicant in lodging the application such as filling the form 80 and ..., then the 956 or 956a form needs to be filled out. Especially if applicant appointed someone to be responsible for documents and to be correspondence for Immigration.
  17. Form 956 and 956a is independent from Form 80. along with Form 80, one of them needs to be filled out if someone assisting the applicant or is appointed as a correspondence.
  18. You need to fill the one of the forms either 956 or 956a depends on your application.
  19. Hello friends, Just wondering if you know what is difference between form 956 and form 956a? Thanks
  20. Guys, I think one of the ways that we can speed up the application procedure is to make sure we upload anything according to Immigration requirement. checking this group conversations will definitely give us some ideas what documents are very important to COs such as PCC, AFP, residency proof. Its a bit of shame if we miss to upload these main documents correctly. That will not only delay the process time of the applicant but also will affect the other applications timeframe too. I suggest we check all submitted docs to make sure they are not expired or there is nothing missing. Thanks,
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