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Everything posted by Vinh

  1. All Cos would solve the case of @Russki today, so no more grants.
  2. Already told you guys. There is a Case officer working undercover here...(above)
  3. Any silent followers getting grants today? Just asking...
  4. I think there is a case officer working undercover here. He has blacklisted all the big mouth whining members like us.
  5. Love the idea that they pick 1 file in a random month everyday like lucky draw fantasy
  6. We are not alone. Hopefully the coallition will be voted out. https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/partner-visas-another-dutton-scandal,12649
  7. Why are they still fooling around with Feb? ;(((
  8. An inspiring story for everyone with petition signing campaign: https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/may/05/family-who-faced-deportation-from-australia-because-of-deaf-son-granted-permanent-residency
  9. Last tuesday is the last day of the month so they need some grants for monthly report hahaha ;)))
  10. Congrats you guys for grants. All COs pls. keep the pace and sprint to my July ;))
  11. any good news everyone? no more holiday hey case officers ;))
  13. @Don Family: Any more details about your friend's grant?
  14. @honey: you are not far away from grant now. Congrats. Just push your hubby to do pte test. Haha.. Wait to celebrate your grant.
  15. Any contacts with Sophorn today? They allocate only 1 staff member for us.
  16. Russki and I and other frustrating guys as well ;)))
  17. Russki: I think they have been warned by Ombudsman. Good job for last weekend. ;))))
  18. i think the best thing to do now is anyone with their 489 visa expired should move out to city if they want. Just stand still.
  19. I already set out a backup plan B waiting until my 489 to be expired. No dodgy game anymore ;))
  20. CO is already on holiday my friend ;)))
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