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Everything posted by Vinh

  1. We should write complain letter like that and send to them.
  2. Most of my friends got Pr 189, 190 2 or 3 years ago after waiting less than 6 months. 887 visa is a joke.
  3. Anyone with 15 months or over should give immi a call today I guess.
  4. Honey: lets make phone call and wake them up ;)))
  5. So the grants would be frozen until after election?
  6. Why do you say that? I know some other guys that applied on Mar 19 and got contacted. I know thats true because they forgot to upload AFPs. Co just asked them to upload those.
  7. Anyone got screenshot of 6-7months timeframe pls share here in the forum
  8. The firing at ombusman would begin this weekend everyone?
  9. Ruth is only an assistant officer. Sophorn still has the ultimate granting power ;))
  10. I think Case officers already read all the files but they dont want to grant ;))))
  11. Anyone over 15-16m please call them to complain. No progress. Dead end now..
  12. Anyone knows what is the quota for 887 each month or each year?because I reckon they only granted roughly 10 visas for people in the forum monthly.
  13. For someone less than 12 months and not so many complains, we can do anonymously.
  14. Lets do it this weekend. Even mine is less than 12m. I will still do it. ;)))
  15. Russki: I think we can make donation for this. Like making a case to reduce time frame for all. What do you think?
  16. I just got this idea after they changed to 15-16m ;)))) so no screenshots at all.
  17. We could take the screenshots of the immi account back in the 5-7 months waiting time and send complaints to immi department. Lets see what they react.
  18. We call it regional trap. The new visa coming on Nov sets for 3y but they would force people to stay up to 5y.
  19. Dont trust this government anymore. Just wait until visa 489 to be expired to do what we want on bridging visa.
  20. Honey: they are skipping the queue now. They would go for you tomorrow haha. Sri: Did you apply on single base or with family? Maybe they prioritise on individual applications?
  21. Russki: someone gets direct grant today
  22. I dont know they really want to improve the regional economy or not? Extremely hard to get a Pr now for a new visa. Nobody wants to apply.
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