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Everything posted by HelloMan

  1. Thank you very much @nudgee. I appreciate your time and response.
  2. Hello Members, I am planning to send that email to the Ministers and MPs. But would like to know how to address them in the email. Like should I write Dear Sir or Dear Mr. Last Name MP? Thank you. @nudgee please help. Thank you.
  3. Hello Members, I am planning to send that email to the Ministers and MPs. But would like to know how to address them. Like should I write Dear Sir or Dear Mr. Last Name MP? Thank you. @nudgee
  4. The last few posts by @X76804. I never understand this person's post. Why not scroll through and find the answer?
  5. I am confused now as previously, it has been discussed many times that 4 weeks paid annual leave vacation overseas is counted as part of the two year residense in regional area.
  6. The requirement of 489 visa is not to stay in designated areas for 2 years only. That is the requirement to apply for 887 visa. For 489 visa, the requirement is to stay in the designated area for 4 years.
  7. I think the 1652 (7947 - 6295) applicants are not only applicants from April 2019, but they also consist of applicants who applied before 1 March 2018.
  8. I think the country column in the excel file is totally messed up.
  9. Hi @X76804, in your last few posts you only wrote 'ok'. I am extremely confused. What is this 'ok' about?
  10. @Hope check the FAQ section on page 1477 of this forum.
  11. @adam there is a post on frequently asked questions on page 1477 of this forum.
  12. FAQ 1. How long are police certificates valid for? A. One year. 2. How do I apply for AFP and how long is it valid for? A. Visit the following link for more information - https://www.afp.gov.au/what-we-do/services/criminal-records/national-police-checks. Note that the AFP is valid for 1 year and please remember to request a new AFP when reaching the expiry date. Upload the new AFP to your 887 application on time to ensure that you do not get delayed by the Case Officer (CO) requesting an updated AFP. 3. Do I need police certificates for all the countries that I have visited before applying for 887, even if I visited those countries for just 1-2 weeks? A. It depends on the CO. If possible then get it so that you do not have to waste time when CO asks for it. 4. What proof do I have to give for residence and employment? A. All the documents that you need for this is clearly provided in the application. 5. I shared accommodation with a friend, what proof do I need to give for residence? A. You can provide a Stat Dec from your friend mentioning that your were residing with your friend. Provide all the letters/documents/registrations/bills that you got in that address such as insurance letters, car registration, phone bills etc. 6. Do I have to certify all the documents? A. You do not have to but CO may ask for it. Therefore, if you want, then you can prepare it beforehand to save time. 7. How can I create HAP ID for my child? A. It has to be created by the CO. You may call or email or fill out the suggestion form online to ask for it in advance to save time. 8. Do I have to submit form 80? A. Yes you have to. 9. Do I have to submit form 1221? A. Not necessary but CO may ask for it. 10. If I go overseas, do I have to make up that time before applying for 887 visa? A. Generally four weeks of paid annual leave for each year is allowed. However, there is no set rule on this one, it depends on the CO. If it is more than four weeks a year then you should definitely make up the time before applying for 887 visa. 11. Can my 887 visa be granted if I am overseas? A. No, all applicants need to be within Australia to be granted. If you or any other person included in your application is overseas when the CO wants to grant the application, you will receive a "pre-grant" from the CO meaning that you can only receive your grant when you or the other applicants are back in Australia. Upon arrival in Australia, please contact the CO so that they can arrange the final grant.. 12. Does secondary applicant also have to meet the requirement for residency? A. No, only the primary applicant has to meet the requirement, secondary applicant does not have to fulfill two years of residency. But when in Australia, secondary applicant must comply to 489 visa conditions, meaning living in regional area. 13. Where can I find the 887 data tracker? A. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1ApeHDAjEH60WFBNLeq14wvGzegiqGC4KD0U-OyH_w6U/htmlview#. 14. How long are English Language tests valid for? A. Generally one year, especially if the results show functional English (ie average band of at least 4.5 in IELTS) . However, for vocational English and higher level of English, test results are valid for 3 years. Test results need to be valid at the time of lodgement of 887 visa. It does not matter if they expire whilst waiting for the 887 visa grant. More information can be found in the following link - https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/help-support/meeting-our-requirements/english-language/functional-english. 15. Does primary applicant have to provide English language test results for 887 visa? A. No. 16. Can I complain if I am within the global processing time? A. You can complain or provide comment or suggestion at any time but make sure to be polite. 17. What should I do to lodge a complain? A. Visit the following link to lodge a complain online - https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/help-and-support/departmental-forms/online-forms/complaints-compliments-and-suggestions or call 133 177. Credit @Stellajane @Freddy
  13. FAQ 1. How long are police certificates valid for? A. One year. 2. How do I apply for AFP? A. Visit the following link for more information - https://www.afp.gov.au/what-we-do/services/criminal-records/national-police-checks. 3. Do I need police certificates for all the countries that I have visited before applying for 887, even if I visited those countries for just 1-2 weeks? A. It depends on the Case Officer (CO). If possible then get it so that you do not have to waste time when CO asks for it. 4. What proof do I have to give for residence and employment? A. All the documents that you need for this is clearly provided in the application. 5. I shared accommodation with a friend, what proof do I need to give for residence? A. You can provide a Stat Dec from your friend mentioning that your were residing with your friend. Provide all the letters/documents/registrations/bills that you got in that address such as insurance letters, car registration, phone bills etc. 6. Do I have to certify all the documents? A. You do not have to but CO may ask for it. Therefore, if you want, then you can prepare it beforehand to save time. 7. How can I create HAP ID for my child? A. It has to be created by the CO. You may call or email or fill out the suggestion form online to ask for it in advance to save time. 8. Do I have to submit form 80? A. Yes you have to. 9. Do I have to submit form 1221? A. Not necessary but CO may ask for it. 10. If I go overseas, do I have to make up that time before applying for 887 visa? A. Generally four weeks of paid annual leave for each year is allowed. However, there is no set rule on this one, it depends on the CO. If it is more than four weeks a year then you should definitely make up the time before applying for 887 visa. 11. Can my 887 visa be granted if I am overseas? A. No. 12. Does secondary applicant also have to meet the requirement for residency? A. No, only the primary applicant has to meet the requirement, secondary applicant does not have to fulfill two years of residency. But when in Australia, secondary applicant must comply to 489 visa conditions, meaning living in regional area. 13. Where can I find the 887 data tracker? A. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1ApeHDAjEH60WFBNLeq14wvGzegiqGC4KD0U-OyH_w6U/htmlview#. 14. How long are English Language tests valid for? A. Generally one year, especially if the results show functional English (ie average band of at least 4.5 in IELTS) . However, for vocational English and higher level of English, test results are valid for 3 years. Test results need to be valid at the time of lodgement of 887 visa. It does not matter if they expire whilst waiting for the 887 visa grant. More information can be found in the following link - https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/help-support/meeting-our-requirements/english-language/functional-english. 15. Does primary applicant have to provide English language test results for 887 visa? A. No. 16. Can I complain if I am within the global processing time? A. You can complain or provide comment or suggestion at any time but make sure to be polite. 17. What should I do to lodge a complain? A. Visit the following link to lodge a complain online - https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/help-and-support/departmental-forms/online-forms/complaints-compliments-and-suggestions or call 133 177. Credit @Stellajane @Freddy
  14. It seems that today is the day for asking, 'how long is IELTS test valid for?' Some other day it will be, 'how long are police certificates valid for?' Another day it will be, 'do I have to certify all my documents?'
  15. These are the questions that have been asked frequently in this forum. FAQ How long are police certificates valid for? How do I apply for AFP? Do I need police certificates for all the countries that I have visited before applying for 887, even if I visited those countries for just 1-2 weeks? What proof do I have to give for residence and employment? I shared accommodation with a friend, what proof do I need to give for residence? Do I have to certify all the documents? How can I create HAP ID for my child? Do I have to submit form 80? Do I have to submit form 1221? If I go overseas, do I have to make up that time before applying for 887 visa? Can my 887 visa be granted if I am overseas? Where can I find the 887 data tracker? Can I complain if I am within the global processing time? What should I do to lodge a complain?
  16. @SUDIP that is exactly what I said in my last comment. Just because a person met the requirements of 887 visa does not mean that, that person does not have to comply with 489 visa conditions anymore.
  17. @SUDIP it seems that you are mixing up the requirements of applying for 887 visa with the conditions of 489 visa. To apply for 887 visa, you have to stay in regional for 2 years and work 1 year full time in regional area. This does not mean that once you are eligible to apply for 887 visa, you do not have to comply with 489 visa anymore.
  18. I believe that even when you are on Bridging visa, you still have to comply with the conditions on 489 visa.
  19. @SUDIP if you scroll back in this forum, you will find that a few members 887 application was rejected as they moved to metro areas after fulfilling the two years. 'We have condition 8549 to live study and work anywhere in Australia except few Post codes such as Sydney, Newcastle, Woolongong' - this applies for all the four years, not just two years.
  20. The worst thing you can do in this forum is to tell members the following, 'Living in regional area is only for two years out of four years in 489 visa duration. Once you have fulfilled meeting the requirement of staying two years in regional area and working full time for one year in regional area, one can move to metro area.' No! The above is not true. Please do not suggest anything like this to anyone in 489 visa. Please do not confuse people. If you do not want to help anyone, that is fine but please do not misguide people.
  21. Humm. I thought only Part M is for students and Part N is for everyone because in Question 34 it says that 'are a student, academic, researcher or fellow Go to Part M'. It did not say Part M and N for students.
  22. Hello, I have a question regarding form 1221. When applying for 887 (considering I came on a 489 visa), which one do we select for Question 34 and what do we write for Questions 43 and 44. Thank you in advance. 34 Part I – Details of your journey to Australia Only complete the section(s) relevant to you If you: have applied for a Visitor visa have applied for a Business visa have applied for a Migration visa are a student, academic, researcher or fellow Part N – Additional information 43 Give details of how you intend to use the knowledge/skills/research obtained once you depart Australia 44 Are there any other details you would like taken into consideration?
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