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Everything posted by SJay

  1. do you know whether child madeicals have been requested or not?
  2. I reckon for the first time after early 2018 the processing time has gone down below 1 year.
  3. hey @Maj, studied your case a bit more and find out that form 884 is required to be filled assuring that you'll do a medical test later sort of a thing. Read the contents in this link. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/help-support/meeting-our-requirements/health/health-undertaking I reckon due to the unavailability of appointments, Bupa asked the applicants to perform a Health Undertaking (Form 884) and the Immigration can process the application further without waiting for Bab's medical. But you'll be needing to perform the medical later. Look, I'm not 100% sure, this is just my opinion. maybe seniors can advise a little bit more. @nudgee what do you reckon?
  4. yeah and the applications from 2018 as well.
  5. hey @Maj you dont have to be upset, I guess its the normal process if your baby is older than 6 months and born while in 489. Medicals need to be done in a Bupa Centre, the only thing I'm finding a bt different over here is instead of Immigration sending you an email with the HAP ID, bupa contacted you via email for Ped checks.
  6. @Maj did you contact Bupa and requested for an appointment before they referred you to a Ped.? I thought the examinations should be done in Bupa centres. Btw How old is your baby, if you don't mind sharing?
  7. Looks like the COs have started processing other types of visa applications. they were all working on 887 last couple of weeks which is the reason for so many 887 grants. hmmm.....
  8. thats my understanding as well. dont know whether its correct or not
  9. I have the same question, I sent an email to skill support but still waiting for a response.
  10. not a screenshot, but I copied into a doc when I was applying.
  11. thanks for the prompt reply mate, I have sent an email but not the attachments. I did send the attachments now. thanks heaps. only thing is even they allocated an HAP ID, the earlies Bupa appointment is in end of July (Melb- closest Bupa centre to Geelong). will see
  12. welcome Deepan, am I able to ask whether CO requested for baby medicals? I'm a Aug 2019 applicant too that's why.
  13. hi @sislam did someone answer your question. I have the same question if someone can help out?
  14. man, you're so lucky. hope you'll get your grant within a couple of weeks after submitting docs. Am I able to ask whether your partner is Australian PR or Citizen? maybe thats the reason.
  15. I reckon COs are looking at June already.
  16. hey did you try NIB (Iman). Cost us only 190 those days in 2018. and no out of pocket expenses for hospital admission and care, only paid the over medicare rebate amount for OB visits, etc.
  17. awesome, how many applicants? which office please
  18. hello, can you please share the format of a consent form and GL letter. My sone is 1 year old and I thought I have to wait for HAP ID.
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