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Everything posted by SJay

  1. please guys...all of you send emails to the full list.
  2. congratz mate. so happy for you. Finally some grants for the people who raised their voice on the forum, #notonlysilentfollowers.
  3. Seriously, bloody unfair it is. anyway, thanks for the prompt response.
  4. guys, are we eligible for JobKeeper, the website says 491is eligible, but nothing about 489? https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/International-tax-for-individuals/Work-out-your-tax-residency/#Temporaryresidents
  5. guys, how many have been sent emails to all those ministers on the list from this group? I haven't received a single response.
  6. congratz @Maninder.... thats a piece of awesome news to hear in the morning. Enjoy your freedom
  7. hey is that blood on your phone screen?
  8. guys I only applied in August 2019. You reckon sending emails to those addresses is still adding value even though I haven't completed 1 year waiting?
  9. did no get this? Where do I have to check?
  10. Freaking awesome to see 3 grants on the forum. Finally some hope. OMFG....
  11. 4 signatures from my family, done. whats the target?
  12. When you say some members, you were referring to?
  13. 1000% sure You must be kidding. is this after your letter to the minister or before that?
  14. Has the doctor gone insane to say something like that to Immigration? What a moron..
  15. what do you mean by someone's child? isn't it your child in the applciation?
  16. Look guys, I really don't wanna comment anything here. all that I can think of is Swear words due to the frustration I have towards this shithole that all of us are stuck in.
  17. Only if he replies. Anyway a weldone on your effort mate.
  18. At least a grant per day is something, better than no grants. Congrats @Kajal... and you did complain too right?
  19. I can't remember fully, but this field doesn't need to be populated. It is for the old 489 visa grants where they stamp the visa number on the passport. We don't get a stamp on the passport nowadays.
  20. where do you stay? did you upload the transcript and does the letter from Uni specifically say the course was conducted in English medium.
  21. Seeing your timeline make me think how screwed I am (I'm a 2019 early Aug applicant & don't think I'll survive this sort of a wait)..., soo frustrated.
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