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Posts posted by Dawn&Andy

  1. only two things i miss a little and thats jaffa cakes and readybrek cos i havent been able to find any alternatives, but i just have weetabix now instead and plenty other biccies i like.


    i hate lumpy porridge, only ever eaten lovely smooth readybrek mmmmmmm


    not missing em enough to be moaning bout em but would be nice to have a nice bowl of readybrek once in a while and some jaffa cakes when im sat watching telly:D

  2. ohh even closer ty paula.


    we bought in seaford,couple streets away from where we was renting so not too far from where we was, miss the sea views but no way we could stay on esplanade when buying, but we settling in where we are and still loving life:D

  3. yeah we do have accidental damage cover but the excess is more than it would cost us to replace ourselves, its only a smallish window so hopefully wont cost too much for a new piece of glass


    ty pp for that will get it from there, not too far from seaford:D




    Dawn x

  4. anyone know where we can get a piece of glass cut to size to replace a window in the southern suburbs? went to bunnings tonight but they dont do it:sad:dont wanna call someone out when hubby can easily replace it himself.


    one of the kids went through lounge window (kids are fine)and we have boarded it up for now but will need doing



    Dawn x

  5. aww have to say this post shocked and saddened me:huh::sad:


    after reading how you were so looking forward to coming,and the gamble you took, it seemed you were one of the ones destined to end up happy here, im sorry things havent worked out for you, whatever your reasons, i hope you have a happy future in the uk or wherever you may decide to settle


    good luck on selling everything and have a safe journey back



    Dawn xx

  6. i was very brave but only cos it was on the other side of the window to were i was lol or id have screamed like a baby :) and thank god for long lenses on camera or you wouldnt have seen this pic lol im kinda glad ive finally seen one now and at least he didnt scare the pants off me so hopefully the next one i see i will be ok about it


    hes gone now aint seen him since that nite, as long as hes not hiding in my knicker drawer i dont mind where he is lol

  7. we too came cos it ticked all our boxes, too many other states had things against them for us as a family ie high house prices, humidity etc, we too had queensland down as our first choice and researched that state like mad,our desicion to come was all a bit rushed when i looked back, we knew nothing about any state yet had already started teh visa process, it was only once the visa was in the motions that we started looking serious at places, then seen summat somewhere mentioned adelaide, and just started to look at adelaide, started some research and it just felt right, and we are so glad we did, its just felt right for us from the day we landed, cant say why i really dont know why we have settled here, circumstances i guess, things have just worked out for us, and we now love it here, given the choice again we would choose adelaide first every time


    no one can say if you will settle here, its different for everyone, we all want and expect different things from life and only when u get here and start living it will you know if its the right place for you


    Dawn xx

  8. ok so i went to shut the window tonight in dining room and this was sat on the fly screen on the window, hubby had to go move it so i could close the window and it ran onto the window frame. Its the first big spider ive seen in the 10 months we have been here so just wanted to check what it was





  9. REGION 1: U.S., Canada, U.S. Territories

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    REGION 6: China

  10. hi

    my hubby is a electrician, the pay seems to be anything between $25-$30 per hour for licenced electricians, work has been bit thinner on the ground lately, not so many jobs advertised and i know a few who have come over have struggled a bit to get work, dunno if OH was just lucky but he got a job within a few weeks of us getting here, but then that was 10 months ago when things werent as quiet.


    You should get family assistance if you are PR and i dont see why you shouldnt live pretty comfortably on a electricians wage, we have 3 kids also and we have been managing just fine, we was renting at $375 a week to give u a idea on what we was paying, have just brought our own house now and mortgage is bit more each week and we do fine, so im sure you will be too.


    You can go to the family assistance website and put in ur details at a rough estimate on what ur hubby may earn and how much rent u are willing to pay and kids ages etc and it will give u a rough idea on what family assistance you should be entitled too




    look under services available online and u will see the estimator


    hope this is of some help :) and good luck when you get here


    Dawn x

  11. your situation looks like ours was 10 months ago, we had only been in our own house in uk for 2 years so didnt have a lot of equity in our house, we then had to reduce it by nearly 30 grand to sell, so we came here with just enough to pay for flights and bond and some basic furniture cos we wasnt shipping anything, we had no jobs, was booked in caravan park for 2 weeks then after that it was down to fate.


    Well i never thought we would own our own home here in oz for least a few years, we had no deposit, what we did bring was used up in those first weeks here, hubby luckily found a job straight away and hes still with same employer and we just moved into our own aussie home last week.


    We have been lucky things have just fallen into place for us, and not everyone is so lucky, no one can guarentee anything after u get off the plane, but what i do know is im glad we took the risk, we havent looked back, we love our lives here and are happy,more so now we have our own home.


    No one can advise you on what to do its your life only u can make the decision that you are willing to take some risks cos its you who will have to face the consequences, but it can work out, you can get things good once you are here, even if you come with not a lot, we did, you just need to want it bad enough and be willing to work hard,take some risks, to get it.


    Good luck with whatever you decide but my advice you just never know unless you try:)


    Dawn x

  12. i had to make my first visit to the docs last week since being here and used the docs on seaford road just by the shops, got a appointment straight away, hubby nipped in on way home from work and they told him to fetch me straight up, was seen within 10 minutes, reception staff were friendly and doc was lovely too :biglaugh: sorted me out and i wont hesitate in using them again if i need to for any of my family members, they bulk bill too, so only had to pay prescription charges, come highly recommended from me


    Dawn x

  13. Well todays the day we get the keys to our first aussie home, am so excited i was up at 4am. Never thought we would be able to afford a home of our own just yet, but we managed to find a little place in our budget in the area we wanted, its only couple streets away from where we have been renting, will miss the sea views of our esplanade home of the last 8 months, but that will be replaced with a happiness of having a home instead of just a house.


    Internet will be going off sometime today, so just wanted to say have a great weekend whatever you are upto and will be back soon i hope to catch up :D


    Dawn xx

  14. dont have any advice really just wanted to say dont give up hope and try every avenue, we were in a almost similiar situation last year, we had til may to validate and by feb had reduced our house by 30 grand and still had no buyer, we took house off market at that point and had all but given up, we too couldnt afford to validate, i cried for a week thinking that was it dream was over, but then decided u know what it aint over til that date passes, put house back on the market with a new estate agent and within 10 days it was sold, was a bag of nerves then cos until we completed it could all still be taken away from us, but we stuck it out and luckily house completed last week in april and we managed to get here with a few weeks to spare, and havent looked back since, i hope something comes up for you cos i know the place where u are right now and its hell after all u go through to get to that point then think its all gonna be gone


    Good luck in finding a solution


    Dawn x

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