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Posts posted by Dawn&Andy

  1. i learnt with daryl too and hes a great bloke, very friendly and makes u feel completly at ease, after 2 lessons i felt like id known him for years :jiggy:Id held my provisional in the uk for 10 years and had had some lessons but never gotten round to taking my test, something always happened that stopped my lessons and so when we arrived here with such open spaces i really wanted to finally do it, and with daryls great patience i did, have been driving now for a few months and its like moving to oz i wish i had done it years ago, i love being able to get about now when i want instead of having to plan everything like a military operation to get anywhere.


    Dawn x

  2. we have two girls aged 9 and 10 who both go to seaford too, and they love it, teachers are real nice, they both settled really well and love going every day, so much so on sports day it was rained off in the afternoon and they could have come home early with us but they both chose to stay in school cos they was painting and really wanted to stay and do it. They are great at letting you know if theres any probs and really do keep you well informed how your kids are doing.


    Probably best to go have a look round when u get here and see what you think, a personal visit i think is the best way to go,only you will know if it feels right for your kids


    Dawn x

  3. Hi Julie

    Yes we love it here so have bought a house a couple streets away, if you want u can send me a pm with your email addy and i can forward on some pics of the house, or if you or anyone else wants to contact the agent then feel free to do so, her email addy is jennifer@smallacombe.com.au just say you are interested in the property on esplanade at seaford and dawn gave u contact details and she will know who and which house it is

  4. we bought a dyson here when we got here and i dont think they are any different in price than the uk, we got ours for about $325 after a cash discount, laptops, you need to think about if anything breaks on it your warranty wont be valid from the uk so maybe better off buying one here least if owt goes wrong in first year ya warranty will cover it:)

    Dawn x

  5. awww dont be disheartened we have been here almost 8 months and i was exactly the same, peeps kept telling me they seen em and no matter how hard i looked i didnt see any and was certain they was hiding everytime i went anywhere near the beach, til about 2 months ago i was at moana beach with the kids and they was playing happily in the water whilst i was stood at the waters edge when all of a sudden one little dolphin there right infront my eyes playing in the surf, i was jumpin up and down with excitement i think i embarrassed the kids, they was screaming at me "calm down mum its only a dolphin" it was in pretty close too i could see it as clear as day, only downside was i was that excited i seen it i forgot to get the camera i had in my hand at the time and try get a pic by time i came back to reality it was gone but the picture is in my memories so thats good enough for me, i havent seen one since, so there ya go it might take a little longer but stick with it you will see one eventually and its worth the wait i can tell ya :smilexmas:


    Dawn xx

  6. We had ours done in handsworth and it was a painless process, x rays, do a urine sample then into the nurse does height, weight, eye test, blood pressure etc then into see doc for us he checked ears mouth had a prod about the tummy, went over any medical history with us and that was it i think if i remember rightly, it was pretty straight forward, i too had heard some horror stories about medicals and i wasnt looking forward to it, but honestly dont worry too much, the docs there seem real nice, well least the one we seen was lovely, as we was leaving he said to us "enjoy ur new life in oz" which was nice kinda gave us a indication he didnt think was anything there to stop us getting our visas

    Good luck with em


    Dawn x

  7. Well we have brought our own home and our rental will be available from 16th january, its a 3/4 bed home on the esplanade current rent is $375, it is a older style house but the views here are amazing, huge back yard and pets are negotiable

    If anyone is interested, i am letting our agent know monday our plans to move out, so pm me and i will pass on her contact details

    any questions just ask

    Dawn x

  8. well heres a turn up for the books that house we offered on last week, where they took a lower offer cos our mortgage wasnt approved, its fallen through and hes just rung asked us if we wanted it, told em sorry we bought another house now lol talk about karma lol

  9. we staying in seaford :) am so happy :) aww dont worry hun these things sent to test us when we sold our house in uk 4 days before we were due to complete we found outt our buyers buyer was still waiting for his mortgage and it went through only 2 days late, so still hope for you yet, hope it comes good for ya nothing worse than working to a timeline then bang it all goes wrong, will keep my fingers crossed for ya xx

  10. Yipeeeeeeeeeeee just had the call our offer was accepted on the house we viewed this week, we bought our first aussie home, and im so excited and cant wait now to finally feel totally settled. Off to sign contracts tomorrow and find out when we likely to be moving, prob sometime in january now, might have to crack open some wine later and celebrate:biglaugh:


    Dawn xx

  11. well mmmmmm neither yet lol we had our mortgage approved today, did offer on one house last weekend, but sadly cos our mortgage had yet to be approved the seller decided to go with a lesser offer because the other offer had already got pre-approval, had they hung out til today they would have made more money on their house, their loss, we are having a 2nd viewing tomorrow on one and if we still like it like we did the first time round then will be gettng into negotiations, so hopefully we too will be home owners soon:)so dont know yet exactly when we be moving but it will be sooner rather than later now :) just have to find a house we love :) be great if you can recycle urs this way too, dunno how i ended up with so much stuff in 7 months but it seems i have lol

    thanks clare,hows ur move going?? that offer still stands if u need any help packing

  12. that would be great ali, im out at 5pm for half hour or so, but other than that im home, if im not in when u passing u could drop them at kats maybe, if its ok with kat of course lol do u know what time it will be ??? even if its just a couple boxes means i can get a start on packing up some stuff, with xmas lurking and a probable move in january there wont be much time after xmas, kids off for another week so hopefully i can get some sorted without em under my feet. thank you xx

  13. We will be moving soon and just wanted to ask where i can get packing boxes from??? would like to make a start on sorting stuff out and aint got a clue where id get some from. Oh and anyone with any recommendations on movers then please feel free to drop me a pm cos i think im gonna need to find one of those too, we will only be moving 5 mins up the road and did think about hiring a van and moving ourselves but dunno if andys back could stand the pace these days :biglaugh:


    Thanks peeps


    Dawn x

  14. they are really efficeient too in sorting it out, we arrived in april but didnt apply for it til july, so as our claim went over two tax years they backdated it til july 1st, but for pre july they said we had to wait til andy done his tax return and sent his tax cert in to prove his income, well we finally got round to doing that last week, 20th to be precise and they have sorted it already, 7 days will be since we filled forms in and for it to hit bank, just find these things so much more straight forward here and sorted much quicker, came just at the right time for me to get some xtra xmas shopping in :biglaugh:

  15. you should have got a receipt when u had ur medicals done?? just scan it and forward it to ur case officer stating in the email when they arrived in sydney etc and shouldnt be too much longer, hopefully. when we got our case officer our meds were already there much the same as urs are and we just emailed our CO stating meds were already there sent on whatever date and they must have chased em up cos we got our visa within 2 weeks of case officer asking for meds,if i remember rightly was about 10 days i think, would have to check to be sure, but it was about that, tho back then there was a backlog of medicals being sent on, dunno what the position is now reguarding how long they are taking to finalise but as they are already there i would think it wouldnt be too much longer for u:wubclub:


    good luck hope they dont make u wait too long, for me this was worst bit knowing they had everything and just sat waiting waiting not knowing which day it was gonna come and every day feeling like a week


    Dawn x

  16. congrats clare, chuffed for you, if not slighly jealous, would love a house of my own but wont be happening any time soon for us:nah:


    if you need any help moving just yell, me being lady of leisure got plenty spare time to help pack etc :):)


    Dawn x

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