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Posts posted by Dawn&Andy

  1. Cant stop smiling our visa was granted this morning:D

    so looks like we will be joining you lot already in adelaide very soon

    still in a state of shock at moment but am sure by tonight the champers will be open!!



    our timeline for anyone interested

    Aug 7, 2007 Visa Granted!!

    Jul 20, 2007 got case officer,

    Jun 14, 2007 Police Certificates

    Jun 12, 2007 Medicals Sent

    Jun 4, 2007 Acknowledgement Received

    Mar 22, 2007 application arrived in adelaide

    Mar 16, 2007 application recieved by agent

    Feb 28, 2007 tra approved

    Feb 12, 2007 tra sent

  2. hi and welcome to the forum, we havent long joined ourselves;)


    hope your visa process is smooth and stress free, it might feel ages away at the moment but believe me it soon comes round, we just waiting on our visa and it could be anytime soon, yet it felt like it was ages away when we was back at the skills assesment stage


    good luck

    Dawn x



    we got a case officer this morning, requesting medicals, they were already done and arrived in sydney on 12th june, so once they tally the two together then we should get our visa, just hope its not too long the waiting aint doing my blood pressure much good;)


    cheered me up no end thought they was never gonna pick up our application, who knows might even end up in adelaide sooner than we thought


    have a great weekend everyone i know we will:D

  4. thanks for all your lovely comments


    louise im not really nervous about moving jake at 14, i would rather move now and let him get australian qualifications than end up with uk ones that mean nothing in oz, and we are planning on stayin in oz for the long term, as long as we love it obviously, so oz qualifications for the kids we think is a good thing, the school year over there is slightly behind us anyway so i am hoping the move shouldnt really upset his exam years, we had been looking more south to be honest around seaford, hallett cove etc and surrounding areas, but have been looking in the north too towards the hills and u get so much more for your money, we wont really make a decision on where we will live til we arrive, think wil drive round the areas same as we did when we have moved here, generally i get a good idea and feel for a place and not made a real bad decision that way yet:D


    i am a bit worried about jake settling in and making friends cos i think older they are the tougher it is, but jakes always had to make a bigger effort anyway being a redhead so i really think hes gonna be fine, its quite a socialable and outgoing lad anyway, guess if ya kids are shy might be harder, but believe me none of mine are, mmmmmm i wonder who they get that from !!:rolleyes:

    right well i gotta run working 7pm-1am :o so gotta feed the troops, be dead on my feet by sunday all these late nights but got 4 days off with the kids next week !! yipeeeeee!!!

  5. well funny you should say that, ive been selling some bits n bobs off ready for the move on ebay and this week sold a tv and lady who won it, came to pick it up turns out she lives 2 streets away in same village, so we get chatting about us moving to oz and she tells me shes just put her house up cos they looking for somewhere bigger, well as 3 bed semis go ours is huge, been extended, so i say ohh well if ya wait couple weeks ours will be on the market, so she asked me how much we selling for, i said well wont know til estate agents been round and valued it, so she asked me once we got it valued will i ring her and let her know and if its within her budget and her hubby likes it they may well buy it, so we getting estate agents round for a valuation next week and will contact her and obviously if she wants it then wont need the services of the estate agents and will have saved us a few grand in the process:oso we shall see wot happens with that, will take a load off my mind if i havent gotta put up with loads people trapsing through me house:D

  6. aww thanks for the welcome peeps!!


    we have just sent for the artc forms so we can get that part out the way once visa is in hand, then he can get a restricted license when we land then all he gotta do is the course then for the grade A license, all this form filling i be glad when its all over;)

  7. Hi All

    Thought id best pop in and say Hi and introduce my lot

    We are me, dawn (39), Andy(37), jake(14) jessica(9), molly (8), we currently live in a little village just outside tamworth, polesworth, here in the midlands, we have applied for a 136 visa under Andys occupation(electrician), application sent in march, acked in may and frontloaded meds and pccs beginning of june, so just sat waiting patiently now to hear if they need any extra info or the visa grant! Have the estate agents coming round next monday to value the house and find out how much its gonna cost us, we are selling all our belongings and coming out with just a few suitcases between us, ohh except maybe two or three boxes we might ship, hubbys tools for work and a few personal belongings. We heading for adelaide but havent decided where yet, will depend on lots of things when we arrive like where hubby might get a job, areas we feel comfy in etc, have started to sell our bits off this week and house is starting to empty already am dreading how its gonna feel that last week or two before we move out, hoping to be out in adelaide by jan/feb 2008 depending on house sale etc,maybe sooner if house sells quicker, i currently work from home as a chat host for a online bingo site, been there 3 years this october and i love my job, and its handy that its from home over the internet, so i will be able to continue once we make the move down under, gives us a bit of relief to that we will have my wage coming in whilst hubby is trying to find work, sort his license etc. Well think ive rambled on enough for now!! Hope to get to know lots of you over here now ive found this lovely site, thanks to dan for the link:D

    Dawn x

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