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  1. Hi all, I am 21 years and 2 months old, currently pursuing bachelor of engineering at Adelaide University (third year). I am on a 489 Visa here. Its been 2 years since we have moved to Australia and we have satisfied all the conditions of the 489 visa. We will be applying for the 887 Visa now. I live with my parents and am financially dependent on them for my international tuition fees and other needs. Currently 887 visa processing time is ranging from 19 -22 months, I are bothered due to such a long processing time period. Because it's mentioned on DIBP website that A child who turns 23 while your application is being processed and who does not meet these ( dependent ) requirements cannot satisfy the criteria for this visa. Will there be any exception regarding the above highlighted portion since I was granted an eligible 489 visa as a family unit? Can anyone please clarify, your opinion will be highly appreciated. Best Regards Hamza Khan
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