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  1. Hi all, I am interested in coming out both nights. Can someone please let me know what time everyone will be there. Cheers Phil
  2. I use CITIBANK to transfer money back to the UK, as they do not charge for international transfers and the exchange rate seems to be about 1.5-2% of the quoted exchange rate. This arrangment works fine for me sending about $800 a month to the UK. I hope this helps.
  3. pjg5uk

    A little tipple!

    Get the duty free in Singapore. Its cheaper.
  4. I will be up for meeting up this weekend if anyone else is.
  5. Count me in Marshy. I'm in North Adelaide so the city is no problemo.
  6. I printed the confirmation off. But they never asked for it at Manchester. So you would only need for peace of mind I would of thought. As long as you can prove that the visa is unstamped you will be fine.
  7. Sush I will be the one with glasses looking lost. Ha See you on Saturday.
  8. Probably won't make it to see you but would like to meet up on another occasion if that cool.
  9. Hi Rawdon, I am 31, I am from the Lake District. Sush, If you mean the Daniel O'Connell I know exactly where you mean, I went last week, its very friendly and good beer. So this Saturday between 8.30 - 9 sounds good to me. See you then, let me know how I will recognise you. Cheers for the invite. Phil
  10. Hi I have just arrived in Adelaide and wondering if anyone is interested in going for a few beers Saturday night. I am in North Adelaide, so the city centre is cool too or other local area. let me know Cheers Phil
  11. We will have to meet up somewhere on Friday 29th June. PM me if you would like my Facebook or email details.
  12. Hi, I'm Phil, I'm 31 from South Cumbria and will be flying out on the 26th June, arriving 28th June. My container is being packed today. Which makes it all official. No turning back now. I will be living in North Adelaide, it would be great to meet up with you all when I get there. I am also coming out on my own so I would love to meet up with as many people as I can. See you all soon.
  13. Try ASC. They design and make surface ships and submarines.
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