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Everything posted by DVR

  1. I have a question guys, since this new Functional English being asked for primary applicants. What if someone who has completed their bachelors degree offshore and provided a letter from the university that the degree stream and exams were conducted in English, is it still valid ?
  2. There is no such requirement for primary applicant to provide Functional English. It is not mentioned on Legislation.
  3. Hi Nudgee, what do you mean "April they only work 2 weeks" ? This is May ?
  4. If you have applied through an agent, better to ask them. Or else, there is a section you can provide incorrect details. Under that you can state the reason out why you made such mistake. Simply said your company accounts sections did that. TBH, i have uploaded all my salary slips (that is almost 2 years during the residency). I don't think they would go through each and every salary sips though They only cross check if you the payments have been made to your bank account.
  5. Better to get a letter from the company stating the duration of your tenure. I don't think it will not be a problem as you are proving the bank statements that salary has been made to your account.
  6. Hi All, quick question ? I have been to UK for 1 week on a business visit and 1 week in Singapore, even before applying 489 visa (in 2017). When I was applying 489 I didn't provide any police clearance. Do you think they would ask now ? Just one week each countries and I had to mention them on form 80 as it asks for any overseas travels for the last 10 years.
  7. I believe I saw a post somewhere that they are prioritising onshore application for the moment. Because there is no point processing offshore applications due to travel restrictions. What do you boys think ?
  8. Do you have any sample email you drafted ? In case they ask, I have to get it ready to send ....
  9. If an applicant has submitted their English degree certificate/Language confirmation letter along with IELTS, I don't think they will ask IELTS again. If they can check your IELTS from your 489 profile, they should be able to see your degree certificates as well
  10. If they have already checked IELTS, they should have checked your Degree and Medium as well. If you provided them with your English degree details, I don't think anyone needs to upload anything again
  11. Congrats Dee, just a quick run through ? Did you apply English language requirement docs (IELTS functional or Degree) certificates for primary applicant ?
  12. Cool, I don't think they take 26-29 months anymore as the site says ? What do you think ? It is only 15 months mark for the moment ?
  13. When they start working on Applications, do they change the status of the application ? from "Received" to "In progress" or something like that ?
  14. They wouldn't know that you stood down or not, plus the current job is not required if you have already fulfilled one -year full-time
  15. Cool .. wishing you be granted tomorrow !!!
  16. Cool, did it keep you waiting long time from the visa being granted ?
  17. Really .. that is good. @Salman khan, do you have any template or sample email that you sent to the department ? We all can get it ready to send out if they ask again, appreciated !!
  18. Did you do IELTS/PTE again or simply upload your degree certificates ?
  19. Yes, you seem to be correct Nudgee, I think CO(s) decide to ask English Language requirements based on applicants current job qualification.
  20. Those lazy CO(s) should know what they are doing, Good one guys ..
  21. I think sometimes they ask when secondary applicant of 489 becomes the primary in 887. There are occasions where secondary 489 applicant, depends on full-time work requirements, will be the primary, which kinda makes sense..
  22. As far as I know, it is early March 2019.
  23. Why would I do that ? It is confirmed ..
  24. One of my friend's friend has got 887 today, he had applied last March - 2019. Seems like the queue is moving ..
  25. You are a good man Salman Khan, Thanks,
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