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Everything posted by Markrw

  1. Who's this then ?

  2. I have been looking at getting a jet ski for a while but not sure to buy one through a dealer or an import ski. Has anyone got or had a jet ski? I'am looking at the import option to save $$$$$$$
  3. Hi Dose anyone know Dennis & Joan Oakley they arrived in 2005 and settled in stirling, they will have been on the old site dose anyone know them as we were from the same town and have lost contact. Mark
  4. Hi I have a friend who was in the same situation as you but in NZ quite a few years ago now. What I have experienced with on entering the UK is you will have to go through the none European gate when entering the UK and provide a exit date for your new baby. Try this website http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/travel-and-living-abroad/passports1/entry-requirements Our friend did return to the UK and eventually got there son duel citizenship for NZ & UK. Hope this helps
  5. Yes good drivinng roads if your on a motorbike, but in a car not so sure about that.
  6. I have heard the south east is in a drought, not surprised though as the UK with it's 60-70+ million plus relies on a constant rain fall to fill the reservoirs. You will have no problem with everyday average temps for getting on with daily life and every season is good here in my opinion. There are no problems to me even when I am out on site with the weather, I just remember to put the sunscreen on. Think of a Mediterranean climate for SA.
  7. Hi Rosie We don't find the heat a problem any more as you will soon acclimatise, but you do need to slip slap slop when your out in the heat and drink plenty of water. You will be amazed at how many Brits you will see on the beach who have sunburnt in the hot summers. Also try to avoid the sun between noon till 3.00pm when the UV is high to extreme, and temps are 40c + The beaches are quiet when it is hot seem funny to me the total opposite to the UK “Suns out everyone’s indoors” We always have are kids in rashie shirts when ever they go to the beach regardless of the temps or UV rating, also take some sort of shade with you a beach brolly, beach tent etc etc. The winters……….there are none nothing like the UK but it dose get cold and you will be surprised how cold it can get here, however I hardly wear long pants anymore so the winters I think are good. When we first came in the middle of the drought we loved to see the rain as it just never did but the last 2 years or so SA seems to have got a little cooler and wetter. I do love telling the Aussies that I love the hot weather when they say “You pommies must be hating the hot weather”
  8. Hi Dave Give me a call if you want to meet up slightly older but if you want to catch up drop me line, we know of another lad on his own coming back to Adelaide from South Wales. Mark
  9. I worked with a lad from Manchester who had cancer while applying for his visa, once he was given the all clear he was granted his visa that was 7 years ago & he to is still here in OZ. I would speak to a migration agent like Concept Australia they are very good and would be able to tell you the latest immigration policy regarding health issues. Good luck
  10. Hi Johny I would second R & H and use Concept Australia we used them and had no problems at all, they are also a registard migration agent. We had a friend lose £5500 on an agent who wasnt registered agent, a lot to loose good luck with your emigration process.k
  11. I renewed my sons UK passport last years and returned to the UK, as Keldaz said just keep your old passport with you. You should be fine if you need to travel out side of OZ we were ok getting through Manchester Airport.
  12. There are good beaches everywhere in Adelaide but if you want to live close to one so that you could walk to the beach then it's the southern suburbs in my opinion, there are more beaches the further south you go all the way to Victor Harbour & Goolwa which are more like day trips out, as for a green one in summer that could be an issue in Adelaide. Aldinga is about an hour from the city depending on the time you leave there is a lot of Brits going to Aldinga because of affordability with the pound being so weak against the Dollar. When the infrastructure in the south is completed this will make the city more accessible I personally wouldn’t go further than Seaford Rise But Check out Moana or some parts of Port Noarlunga & Seaford. I travel from Seaford Rise to the city every day and will take me around 45 mins so it’s not that bad at all, nothing like when I worked in Manchester or what some people on here will tell you. Mark.
  13. I have been to Jasmine in Hindmarsh square and it was good, but not sure about a hot curry when we were there the last time a friend asked if the could make it hot, the reply was they are made the night before and can not alter the curry Mmm. I have been told there is a good curry house on main north road but not sure were it is if anyone on PIA knows. We have also been to port Noarlunga a few times and has been good but the last time was an average curry. Unfortunately I don't think you will find a curry house in Adelaide like the UK curry houses, I now make my own curries from scratch and had a few friends around for curry nights. We saw Paul Weller at the entertainment centre and he had a curry the night before that did his gut in so on stage between set he did nothing but bag the curry house in, not sure which one it was but was in the city centre. If you find a good curry house cazzaj let me know good luck.
  14. There are around 10 tower crains in Adelaide at the moment with the new hospital to erect more craines, an aussie project maneger with the firm I work for told me he hasn't seen this many since 1985 so I think Adelaide will be very busy in the coming months for trades. One of are contractors said they will find it hard to get trades once the buildings come out of the ground. Keep an eye out in the papers and contact all the employment agancies like Hays so they know you are looking, Adelaide has been slow most of last year but things have started to move again now.
  15. Anyone done their boat licence lately?

  16. Get the train parking is very very expensive in Adelaide now, just drive to Noralunga and catch the train from there.
  17. I have a site manager from a Melbourne company who has come to Adelaide to do a job here next to mine. I will ask him who is busy in Melbourne and the best firms to approach. Your right Leigh they shouldn’t give out sponsors if there is no work unfortunately the problems with credit around the world has made it hard for investors to get any sort of backing at the moment.
  18. Hi Things are slow at the moment, but don't give up as there is a lot of work coming through in Adelaide, I have been told that other cities are the same as well but maybe not a slow if you were to be looking interstate check out Perth. I am working for a local builder as a site manager so I get to know who is busy or not I will ask around for you and PM will you with what I find. Send me a PM with what you have done in the past, most agencies well just take your number at the moment as no employers are approaching them but via word of mouth, its who you know at the moment but that will change soon.
  19. Hi I have just sold my bike, loved riding bikes in UK down side weather. Adelaide has some good roads in the hills but what I found is it's to hot in summer to ride with leathers, but spring and autumn have good temps. Took the bike 3 times to the Moto GP at Philip Island had a good time there did the great ocean road (over rated) thing is the roads here can go for miles and miles without a bend and places far apart if you like touring like I do. Get used to the weather then get a bike there are a few well organised bike clubs here so you will have no problem. I might get a bike again one day was looking at a bike shop the other week just cant keep away from them still got leathers etc lol Mark Mark
  20. Well done fingers crossed, got friends who can't sell there house and they are really down now as they can't wait to get here. Mark
  21. I know what you mean but dont worry to much about that as there are a lot of UK supervisor within the trades, but seriously stay on the tools so to say less stress while you are settling onto the oz way of life. I am a supervisor for a local building com and there are a few UK lads here but as I have just stared with them still to meet people yet.
  22. Hi kirsty Try Christies Beach tourist park we have friends going as you arrive from there they over to validate their visa's. Most of all the other parks are full and you will also find it hard to get accomodation that is reasonably priced. Christies beach also has a rail link to the city to. the other park to try is "Big4" at West Beach the one at marrion is full. I cant place were I had the email address but you can google them. Mark.
  23. Hi just joined this site and getting know how it works, we moved to Seaford Rise in 2006 after renting in Modbury for 10, weeks have you been in Moana since you came ? I havent done anything to my profile yet will do soon


  24. Hi Paula If your OH is a civil supervisor there is a lot of new work starting in Adelaide, so if he works for a firm he won't need the building supervisors licence. It dose take time for some people to find work but some people just land on the ground running. It took me 2.5 months to start work my advise enjoy the time off because when you start work you will wish you did, I have only had 4 weeks of in the last 2 years knackard...lol Mark
  25. Hi Andy Not using an agent will save you money for sure and if your able then do them your self, but be careful you don’t fill any of the forms out incorrectly as the immigration in OZ will send them back to you which will delay your emigration process. I friend started to do them their selves but got an agent involved as it became to much for them with working and all. We took their advise and used Concept Australia in Manchester as they are a registered migration agent (important) & worth it in my opinion. Mark
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