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Everything posted by jasonkath

  1. Hi could you tell me which company your using to ship your dogs over. we have a black lab. also did you find renting accommodation easy which allows pets. hope you all have an exciting and safe journey. still waiting for ss. kath
  2. Hi fantastic news. we applied 15th August still waiting to hear......its agony.... Kath
  3. Hi Em Were waiting for our invite. applied our EOI on 15th August. How long did yours take. Kath
  4. Hi oops wrong family details.....1st time on this forum. Kath
  5. Hi Kathy Just seen your family details. My son is called Finlay........my daughter Kiara and hubby Jason.
  6. Hi Kathy My hubby is going for Systems Analyst. I am a Maternity Support Worker so have to look for job once there. When i put SS i meant state sponsorship, or i could be getting confused which is not hard for me. ha ha. I have a 12 year old girl and 9 year old son. Do you have children. I will keep you informed and my fingers are tightly crossed too. Kath
  7. Hi Kathy We have also submitted our EOI and state sponsorship to SA on 15th August 2012, not heard anything yet. I have seen on another website that it took another guy 1 month and 12 days to get his EOI and he is still waiting for SS. Kath and family
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