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Everything posted by beebul

  1. Hi Andy - I've PM'd to request 2 places. Cheers. Penny
  2. Everyone, you have been SO helpful. Definitely food for thought, and explains why a train journey didn't come up as an option on the metro website, despite there being a station! So come September, trains should be up & running again....if all goes to plan! Very grateful for your comments :-) P.S. been here 2 1/2 weeks now and loving every moment. Intend to post a proper update when I have more to say than 'another lovely day spent on largs bay beach drinking wine'!
  3. Hello all, we're going to view some rentals in Brighton and Christies Beach this weekend and wondered how easy it is to commute from there to the CBD? I know Brighton is much closer but we prefer the houses in Christies. Google maps and the metro website seem to detail the commute as rather difficult and time consuming but I've picked up on previous posts here that Christies and surrounding suburbs is reasonably easy to commute to the CBD from......do people tend to combine driving and buses/trains, ie do they drive first to a specific place then hop on public transport, rather than sticking to public transport from the start? Would you commute on the metro from Christies Beach to the CBD? Much appreciated, Penny
  4. Well that's that sorted, wardrobes are coming with us! Thanks both for your comments, it's exactly the info we were after. 1 month til we land :thumbup:
  5. Hello – very quick question, do pretty much all unfurnished rentals and established/new homes have built in wardrobes? We’re debating whether to bring our two large and much loved wardrobes with us when we make the move in April, or whether to try and sell them? Will they just end up being stored in a garage, waiting for spider lodgers…………? THANKS!
  6. This looks ACE - Stone Roses, Prodigy and Dizzee Rascal in one go!! Gutted we won't be arriving in Adelaide until 4th April :-( Have fun!
  7. Hi Karen & Jon What a kind offer - we would very much appreciate a tour of the Southern Suburbs. We'll be in Largs Bay for the first month but during this time we'll be cramming in as much suburb investigation as possible, whilst job hunting! Whereabouts are you staying in the Southern region?
  8. Hi Julie, I don't think I can help you much as we are still in the UK... I'm sure you can start your own thread asking for information about your family member? Have you tried using Facebook or Friends Reunited to track them down? Good luck x
  9. Hi Julie, I'm new to posting too (though I've been reading lots and lots of others posts over the last 6 months!). How can I help? When you say you're searching for someone, do you mean you're wanting to meet people over in Adelaide, that have come from your neck of the woods in the UK? We're currently in Mossley, Ashton Under Lyne, so only a stones through from Oldham! But we don't arrive until 4th April. Are you in Adelaide already?
  10. Hell yeah it's exciting, we're on proper countdown now, only TWENTY DAYS left at work then we're officially unemployed!! Bring on the beach :-) We'll definitely be in touch when we arrive - and if you ever need a sitter for your two kitties, let us know. Leaving our cat, who we've had for 12 years, is absolutely heartbreaking :-( She's off to live with parents though, which makes it a little easier......
  11. Little Miss Wild Child! Only two days in - wow - I'll look out for future posts to see how you're getting on and we'll be certain to get in touch when we arrive :-)
  12. Hello Emma, What a lovely reply. We'd love to catch up with you when you finally arrive (I've added you to my contacts). It does sound like we have lots in common - so much so we'll be in competition for jobs!!! Semaphore is a 10 minute walk from where we'll be staying for the first month so I'll be sure to check it out for you, let you know if there's any good drinking establishments, perhaps an Irish Bar! Hope everything goes smoothly when you do come over, speak again soon x
  13. My best friend had twin girls when we were 18, I've been like a second mum to them and will miss her, and them, terribly when we move. Therefore I'd be more than happy to assist with some twinny baby sitting!!!
  14. Hi All What lovely responses to be met with as I begin my day at work! Feels like we have friends already and we’ll be sure to be in touch upon arrival. Until then, then :-)
  15. I’ve sourced a huge amount of invaluable help from this forum so thought it’s about time I introduced myself! I’m Penny, 38, and my other half is David, 40 and we don’t have any children (yet). We currently live in Manchester, UK, and we fly out to Adelaide on 2nd April. Can’t believe it’s actually happening, the days are just flying by now. So much to think about and do in preparation - I find myself drifting off to sleep every night with images of me cleaning our vacuum pipes and scrubbing shoes with Milton!! With the exception of the visa application, everything else we’ve done throughout this process would have been so much more difficult without the folk on PIA. Shipping, flights, transit hotel, car hire, rental accommodation, suburbs – you’ve helped with the lot! We’ve never been to Australia and have no family or friends there – we’ve talked about wanting to emigrate for about 4 years and finally did something about it when we realised David was about to hit 40. It was the kick up the @$$ we needed and we began the process Mid Jan 2012 and had the PR visa sticker in our passports by the end of June 2012. Then we sold our house within 3 weeks! It was all a bit of a blur but we feel so lucky that everything went through so quickly and smoothly. We thought it was a sign that we’re doing the right thing...... Things we enjoy: Cycling Walking Movies (can’t WAIT to go to the Opel Moonlight Cinema) Music A tipple (or ten) Restaurants Pubs Dinner Parties / Board Games Beach/Sea Can’t wait to start our new life and to meet up with some of the terrific people on POI. We begin our journey in Largs Bay from 7th April for 1 month short term rental, during this time we’ll be checking out the suburbs deciding where to move next. If anyone fancies meeting up, please get in touch Well now that my introductory post is done, I look forward to contributing to others and chucking out plenty of questions! Penny & David
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