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Everything posted by Ashleigh

  1. Ashleigh


    we have just submitted today and payed £3654 ($6160) 2 adults and 1 child under 18
  2. Of course!!!!! its exciting isn't it ladybug! we have just had an email from our agent confirming our application has been submitted and with a receipt! I'm so giddy!!! Were going to wait for our medicals until they get requested but were thinking about sending off for our police checks as soon as really as my partner needs one from aus too as he has lived there in the last 10 years! Xx
  3. Hi, Is there a November Visa Lodge Gang? We are lodging our 190 today!
  4. Got our invitation this morning, please see timeline, longish wait!
  5. Hi Racheal, This may help, 190 is priority over 189. http://www.immi.gov.au/about/charters/client-services-charter/visas/8.0.htm http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/estimated-allocation-times.htm
  6. I know, to be honest though i have hardly thought about it since we started this process!! Luckily we have the big things sorted, good job really as it's very much on the back burner at the minute! He is so relieved, I am too as i was quite worried about it! Well i've just had a mini panic attack! I have received an email from one of the agents at Go Matilda (not the one we have been dealing with) asking us to check the application for state nomination, so i've had a look through and none of the employment dates match what was submitted on the EOI, not by a few days, by months! Surely it has to correspond? I have emailed her back with a copy of the EOI querying it! Ahh, that would be good i will have a look, would be nice to meet with other people in the same boat - we're in Leicester xx
  7. I am like that, I have to stop myself mithering our agent! Jamie is so laid back but i'm always stressing about it! Well good news with the IETLS, Jamie was doing it in Nottingham, emailed them this morning and they have processed the refund already so that's a bonus! Our aim is to leave April 2015, were getting married August 2014, planning on going to validate the visas September 2014 as a honeymoon to kill 2 birds with 1 stone! Jamie is self employed to has a tax return every April and gets a nice chunk of money so we want to get that as that will add to our funds. I am wishing the days away! Jamie lived there for 6 year prior, was married etc and has a little girl there so that is one of the main reasons for him wanting to go but also such a better way of life for us at the same time! It will feel like a long time but it will fly, there will be so much to organise and sort out that it will be here before you know it!
  8. I have just emailed them as they are closed to see if they will refund it, if not my partner may aswell take it. He did the skills test and passed this week and we get 10 points for an Australian qualification which bumped it up which we didn't realise, with us applying on the skilled 190 the IELTS wasn't a requirement but we were advised to take it as we couldn't find payment evidence for 2008-2010 employment so couldn't use those 2 years as skilled employment meaning less points. So we booked it, then trawling through paperwork found all the payment information so that gave us enough points combined with the 10 points for the Australian qualification after the successful skills test - typical! Have you been allocated a case officer yet? I am so impatient, this long process is going to be murder for me, I am one of those people that likes to get things done!
  9. We have 65 points without the IELTS, we didn't realise we would have that many so my partner luckily now doesn't have to take the test, although we have paid for it so i'm not sure if we can get our money back - if not may be worth just taking it as that would bring our points even higher and hopefully improve our chances further of gaining an invitation. Our agent hasn't advised anything with regards to medicals, we decided to book in for them, I may ring to move the medical then as we have booked in but we pay on the day so nothing lost at the minute.
  10. We are with Go Matila, we've just had to do the skills test on the 190 visa and just submitted our EOI. I personally think they're worth every penny. The references for example on the skills test are much more detailed than we could of ever imagined so I would definitely recommend them, even at the extra cost. We've laid them £2200 plus VAT
  11. We submitted our EOI yesterday! Migration agent is submitting out state nomination on Monday and we have booked in our medicals for 21st September! We've used the my health declaration on the immigration website to generate us with a reference Number and referral letter to take with us! Hopefully will speed things up with us doing the medicals now!
  12. Thanks everyone, I feel like I trowel and spend forever looking on the immigration website, find lots of information but never what I'm looking for! X
  13. Hi me again, sorry I feel like I've got a million questions! So my partner had his skills test today fingers crossed all gone ok! I was just wondering! On submitting your EOI and providing you get an invitation to apply, once you apply do you pay the visa fee for all applicants on the visa at the same time as submitting your application? Or do you pay once the visa has been granted? Thanks
  14. Thanks all, he had a look at some practice ones to get a jist of what they were like, I must say I had to re read a few of the questions on the true, false, not given section! We have been told he has to get at least 7 on each section, it doesn't matter about the overall score but 7 in each section to pass. I hope he passes! x
  15. Thanks for that! Nice to know a bit of info about what is involved!
  16. Great, thank you! My husband has his skills test Monday and IELTS on 7th September, he has 11 years work experience bricklaying but we have been told by our agent that they count the first 3 years as training so with him just getting 8 years she has advised he does the IELTS just in case he doesn't get the full 15 points, can't wait to submit everything. Hope you get allocated an officer soon xx
  17. Out of interest are medicals and police checks done before you submit your EOI?
  18. Does anyone know if furnished houses are something that are offered in Adelaide? We are debating whether to ship our stuff over or sell it all and rent furnished for a while until we get on our feet and properly settled. Any help/advice would be appreciated!
  19. Well my partner has got a date for his skills test this month in London, didn't take long at all to get the date. Not sure how long the processes are for other parts of the visa application but everything we have done so far has been really speedy. Has anyone else done the skills test? My partner is curious as to what it entails! He Is a bricklayer and we are applying on a skilled 190. Thanks
  20. At what stage do you have your medicals, do you these need to be done before you lodge your EOI? very early days for us but were at the stage of getting everything together for my partners skills test.
  21. Hi I wonder if anyone can give me some ideas. my daughter has hip dysplasia (bone isnt in the hip socket) she's having an operation to correct this on Tuesday and will be in a cast for 3 months. I am really worried about this affecting her medical, can anyone help?
  22. Hi We have started our application for the 190 skilled visa and have paid for a skills test (bricklaying) Does anyone have any idea what this entials, whether it is practical work and or questions? Any help would be appreciated.
  23. Glad the majority of people have had good experiences! Wow 25 months,that's a long time, I honestly did think it would take that long! x
  24. Thanks everyone, feel reassured now. We have sent off all the paper work and payed for my partners skills test this morning. A long process from what i can gather but hopefully all worth it in the end!
  25. Hi Tee, were applying on a skilled migrant 190 visa sponsored by SA as we have been told that they are currently sponsoring bricklayers x
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