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When to arrive


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Sorry it's me again getting a bit nervous and excited about when to arrive and we have not even got our Visa yet.

We should get our Visa any day but there are no guarentee obviously but I just wonder if we are setting ourselves too big a task to get out there asap.


The plan visa permiting is to get out there in October and get settled before Christmas. This is not set in stone and requires us to get flights and accomodation when we need it but part of me wonders should we wait or should we just get on with it?


We don't have anything to wait for house is rented just need to organise everything which I feel we can do in the time scale.

My concern is rentals... many of the good rentals are getting booked up and with 2 small kids I want to know where we are going is going to be ok.


Sorry for the rant but can it be done? so many of you have done this last hurdle and wondered what you thought.



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Guest Team 'W'

Hi Michelle


Sincerely hope so as we are waiting for our visa too any time now, case officer is back from holiday tomorrow so hoping to hear something this week.


We are actually planning on 1st week in September so just over 6 weeks to go, know how you feel. Had all the removals people around so ready to push the button as soon as we can!


As soon as we get the go ahead flights will be booked, shippers told to get here pronto, mad rush to find accommodation but worse case there are plenty of caravan parks until we find long term rental.


Shippers only need 2 weeks notice max so I reckon we could actually leave within 4 weeks.......... or is that just adrenalin talking? :jiggy:


Good Luck!!

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Guest MarkIngram

once the status changed to further checks in progress we waited just 1 week to get our visa....we got ours on 3rd July - 2 days before my wife's birthday...how's that for a pressie???


we're flying out on 27th Oct and can't wait....we're holding off for a short time as we have a wedding in Italy to go to first and then there's a bit of traveling around the country to say farewell to family etc.


We've negotiated 2 months free storage with a removal company - and there's a tip for anyone...get plenty of quotes and play them off against each other as they are all fighting for the business.


We've applied for the Accommodation On Arrival - although it will only be basic it's much cheaper to start with and gives us a chance to find something much more to our liking. I've been trying to contact agents over there for rentals and it is a bit of a pain as they don't often respond to emails....am I worried about this...not yet as I know something will turn up. I've also not got work sorted out yet either, but again, this is something that'll be much easier to sort out on arrival.


I'm taking a very 'take it as it comes' attitude...it's an adventure and I'm looking forward to every bit of it.


Good luck to you all...hopefully you'll be out there soon also.



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Guest Kelly pj
once the status changed to further checks in progress we waited just 1 week to get our visa....we got ours on 3rd July - 2 days before my wife's birthday...how's that for a pressie???


we're flying out on 27th Oct and can't wait....we're holding off for a short time as we have a wedding in Italy to go to first and then there's a bit of traveling around the country to say farewell to family etc.


We've negotiated 2 months free storage with a removal company - and there's a tip for anyone...get plenty of quotes and play them off against each other as they are all fighting for the business.


We've applied for the Accommodation On Arrival - although it will only be basic it's much cheaper to start with and gives us a chance to find something much more to our liking. I've been trying to contact agents over there for rentals and it is a bit of a pain as they don't often respond to emails....am I worried about this...not yet as I know something will turn up. I've also not got work sorted out yet either, but again, this is something that'll be much easier to sort out on arrival.


I'm taking a very 'take it as it comes' attitude...it's an adventure and I'm looking forward to every bit of it.


Good luck to you all...hopefully you'll be out there soon also.



Like ur style Mark, we feel exactly the same... you only get one life.... we are very excited 2... good luck with everything, Kelly

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Guest Sazzle76

Hi Michelle.

I think getting there asap is not a bad idea, why prolong it if your house is rented out?

We wanted to go out over xmas to get a feel of what it will be like to be away from friends and family at that time of year.

Good luck when ever you decide to go!


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Just a wee note, remember that we will be heading for spring/summer soon, so be prepared for some very hot weather that your not used to!!! Last summer was getting up for 46 degrees!!! As for getting here, I had job interview in Adelaide, got offered job, flew home, sold house, car, bike and packed everything up, got visa and we were all in Adelaide 7 weeks later!!! So no, it is possible to do it in the time scale you are planning. And also give you less time to start doubting whether your doing the right thing or not. lol.


Best of luck to you all going through the process, and hope you love it here as much as we do.


Oh and if anyone is coming out after Xmas, our current 4 bedroomed rental will be available due to hopefully our house build being completed by then!!!! :)

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Guest harper210267

Gosh listening to you lot, made me cry with excitement and anticipation and can't wait to put our visa in,.,

We are thinking about putting our house on the market soon, so that we ahve it sold in readiness, as we can always rent if it sells quickly.

I like the idea of renting a caravan, for a short term accomodation and the idea of bartering with the removal companies.

Thanks to you all and good luck.xx

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Guest the4hopes

We arrived at the beginning of October last year, the weather was perfect, most days about 27 the evenings still a bit chilly (which surprised me!) So when we by mid december most days were 30 and above, then late January 40s and above, and loved it. Our air conditioning broke on the first 40 degree day and we survived with fans. I'm glad we got here to good weather as that really helped us settle in.


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Guest Guest75
We arrived at the beginning of October last year, the weather was perfect, most days about 27 the evenings still a bit chilly (which surprised me!) So when we by mid december most days were 30 and above, then late January 40s and above, and loved it. Our air conditioning broke on the first 40 degree day and we survived with fans. I'm glad we got here to good weather as that really helped us settle in.



Just on the weather side of things.


Arriving in late Winter / early Spring is a great time.


Good to have a choice.

Having the UK Summer <sic> and then into ours - perfect.

The increasingly good weather will just help a little to getting over your first few months here and give optimism.


We arrived in May and into Winter here which gave us one long winter.


If you see what I mean.:)

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Guest redfoxy
Just on the weather side of things.


Arriving in late Winter / early Spring is a great time.


Good to have a choice.

Having the UK Summer <sic> and then into ours - perfect.

The increasingly good weather will just help a little to getting over your first few months here and give optimism.


We arrived in May and into Winter here which gave us one long winter.


If you see what I mean.:)


As it just so happened we arrived in Sept (spring) after a very hot cummer in cyprus, as we came from UK via Cyprus for a few months ! and it was a releif to get some cooler weather ! not we cant wait for spring/summer.


Sept was a really good time to arrive, cool enough to get on with things and the summer ahead. We have some friends who arrived in April and have only had winter so far, which can a little off putting ! But really if all your personal arrangements are in place top leave the UK, house jobs etc then anytime is a good time to leave !!


Good luck



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when we came over right upto 5 days before we flew we didnt know if we were comin or not, house had sold and was due to complete on the tues, friday before was told our buyers buyer hadnt even had mortgage approved, so we hadnt been able to book anything, so our last week in uk went summat like this


tues- buyers buyer mortgage finally approved and contracts signed

wed - packed the few things we was bringing with us anything we hadnt sold by this time went in a skip

thurs- house completed, moved in with mum for few days

fri- booked flights and two weeks in caravan park

mon- flew from heathrow

wed- arrived in adelaide to rain


hadnt a clue what was gonna happen after that, felt like we packed up our life in that last week cos right upto the death we didnt know if it was gonna happen, luckily it did, and we havent looked back, its worked for us and we wasnt organised at all cos of way things went, so u sound like you are already one step ahead of us, caravan park wasnt that bad although small its a roof over ya head til u get sorted, and finding a rental can be a bit of a chore but u will find something eventually, just takes lots of viewings til the right one turns up, least it will be warmer in oct than it was for us in april :) surprising how different u will feel with the sun shining


go for it i say and good luck when u arrive, hope it all goes well for you all:)


Dawn x

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Thanks so much to everyone for you replies. My hubby thinks I am mad needing reasurance but it is a big thing we are doing but the right thing.


I am glad I got my feelings out there as I feel so much better about it. This weeks job getting quotes for removal than we too can just go once Visa sorted and if Tyke's rental is still available we may go there ;-0


There is so much to do but if we do a bit each week once we have the visa we are all set.


Thank you and yes can't wait for summer down there it is currently raining here and has been for about a week! :-(



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We arrived beginning of November....with 4 kids in tow...aged 2, 6, 10 & 15 at the time. We booked 2 weeks at Brighton Caravan Park....lovely spot, right on the beach. Hired one of their log cabins there...


Of course, being November, the weather was pretty warmish.....it was great to be there, because we could spend the day, doing the usual stuff you have to do when you arrive...looking for a rental, car etc...getting a general feel of where you want to be...then coming home later to the beach right on your front door step...great for the kids to unwind and of course yourselves!!!


That's what i'd recommend anyway...

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Logically the best time to move is September 21st (the equinox). The days in both places are of equal length, so its easier to adjust, plus you get 2 summers in a row.


Like wise the best time to return to the UK is March 21st. Having gone from long English summer days to Adelaide mid-winter, and vice-versa, it seems to make the jetlag so much worse. However if you move in September you miss the Autumn leaves and bonfire night and Halloween, so maybe early November would be a good time too.

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Guest Sazzle76
Logically the best time to move is September 21st (the equinox). The days in both places are of equal length, so its easier to adjust, plus you get 2 summers in a row.


Like wise the best time to return to the UK is March 21st. Having gone from long English summer days to Adelaide mid-winter, and vice-versa, it seems to make the jetlag so much worse. However if you move in September you miss the Autumn leaves and bonfire night and Halloween, so maybe early November would be a good time too.


We arrive on 20 Sept! so just in time for 21st!!!

I cant wait to feel a bit of sun on my body, we had an amazing hot 10 day summer in the UK. 10 days.. aarrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh what on earth is going on?

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