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up to 100 new teaching jobs

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Guest Guest5035
Please see me after school regarding your spelling and punctuation, young Stevo!:biglaugh::biglaugh:


Only if you have the whip;)





PS Like the "Young Stevo" bit

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Guest ettie72


I'm new to the site and hope I don't ask a load of idiotic questions. I'm at a stage in my life where I just want to give my 3 year old son opportunities that I think are fast disappearing in the UK. I'm a secondary English teacher (15 years experience) and have been giving serious thought to leaving here and trying my luck in Oz, as I think the lifestyle seems so much better for my son. However, I feel disappointed as I keep reading that it'll probably be nigh-on impossible to secure a teaching job before leaving for Australia and that most jobs are only short term contracts. If it was just me moving over, I'd probably risk it, but becasue I have my son to support I'm not sure if I can take that risk. I'm a single parent and moving to the other side of the world with no job to go to is pretty scary (fine if i had loads of money to fall back on, but alas, the move would wipe out most of my savings!) Is my dream of a better life for my son and me a fruitless one? It worries me to see how the UK is going (don't get me wrong, I love this country, but there seems to be a cloud of depression hanging over it) and I can't bear the thought of throwing opportunities away. Any advice on how to get a teaching job would be so much appreciated and of course, any other advice that is relevant.

Sorry for the rambling message but one more year of endless rain (the summer solstice and it's rained all day!) and kids who are simply not interested in learning means I'll lose the will to live!!

Thanks in advance


By the way, I'm 39...surely not too old to teach in OZ???!!

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Guest Becster19

Ettie, I completely understand that you would like to look to move to Oz but realistically it would be highly unlikely that you would be able to secure a teaching job from the UK. Permanent teaching jobs in Adelaide are hard to come by as is and the school would definitely want to meet you before hand. Do you know anyone already in Adelaide teaching? Maybe that could be a way to get something set up? Maybe you could wait a little longer and get a bit more in savings together so that you could just TRT when you arrive?

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Guest Adelaide_bound

The other thing is Ettie - from what I hear from Australian teaching friends (and please correct me if I'm wrong Nick11 etc) - the teaching job culture is different in Australia - short term/temp. contracts are far far more common than here and its not the 'once you have a job, its a job for life' type deal it is here, its a lot more like the 'real world' of employment with the contract thing. With that being part of the culture imho its just part of moving to Oz - like having to check under the garden chairs before sitting down so you don't get bitten on the behind by a red back!


Are you definitely not an outback type gal? Apparently, you can easily get a perm. job in the boondocks...:D


And the other thing (gees, I really sound like I'm selling Australia lol), with far lower unemployment in general, the picture is much much better than here (my area has something like 65% unemployment or something at the moment!! crazy!!) for other jobs as well - if its something you want to do, you will make it work - life has a way of working out if you really want it to....


Equally, I'm sure people will come and tell you that there aren't opportunities for children, its not the land of milk and honey - at the end of the day only you can listen to your heart and take your one shot at life and decide what's for the best for you and your little one :)


Good luck with what you decide :)

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Guest Nick11

There always seems to be jobs advertised for high school English teachers in the private sector. Now there may be loads of applicants going for it(not sure)..but at least there are jobs out there, which is more that can be said for primary positions.

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Guest Adelaide_bound
So did anyone apply for any of the jobs? I applied for 2. Fingers crossed!


Were/are they on DECS jobs website? (Not in a position to apply, nor eligible, just being nosey lol)

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