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Felt like home


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Hi all,


We (myself, hubby and 2 girls) we're over in April to validate our visa and I just wanted to share how beautiful we found Adelaide. After stepping off the flight and passing time at a cafe before we could get into our accommodation, both myself and Jon felt like we could easily settle into the Aussie way of life! :smile:


Unfortunately we only had 8 days and so explored as much as we could in this short time. We particularly loved Glenelg and the areas down to Moana - it was hard to choose as they all had something special about them. Everybody was so friendly and we were made so welcome. My girls thoroughly loved the beautiful, sandy beaches (especially the quiet one we found at Christies) and Jon still keeps reminding me about the sip and saves!!!! :jiggy: (give it a rest - Jon!)


Anyway we are now in the process of putting a date in the dairy (Jan 2013 - fingers crossed) as we know in our hearts Adealide is our new home. So for now it's time to get organised and hopefully become (more of a) regular visitor to this site; to pick your brains and hopefully gain some friends.



Karen :cool:

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Guest Paula H

We will be on a PR 175 visa


Am looking at Port Noarlunga, Seaford, Happy Valley and maybe Aldinga if not too far.... Have quite a few on our short (or long! ;) list. Couple of places north too, argh lol, only so much research you can do through a comp xx

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Guest samandlee

We are moving out on June 13th , (never been before). We keep trying to research areas but like u say only so much u can do online! All our things been shipped this week and we are so looking forward to it now!!



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We will be on a PR 175 visa


Am looking at Port Noarlunga, Seaford, Happy Valley and maybe Aldinga if not too far.... Have quite a few on our short (or long! ;) list. Couple of places north too, argh lol, only so much research you can do through a comp xx


Those are the same areas as us! I really like the look of the homes in Aldinga, but like you say not sure how long from the city it is.

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Those are the same areas as us! I really like the look of the homes in Aldinga, but like you say not sure how long from the city it is.


As they say different strokes for different folks , we could only get a holiday rental in aldinga and at first thought it was miles away from the city, and that it would be an issue for shopping such like,..


Rememnber traveling from the airport down to Aldinga and thinking where's all the shops?... Don't fancy coming to the city every time we need something,


The funny thing is you don't really need to go up to the city all the time for shopping unless you want to, there is heaps of shopping centers dotted around, Aldinga, Norlunga Collandes,Marrion Westfields and most supermarkets I surrounding suburbs,

Seaford has your state swim norlunga has a larger leisure centre,cinema,bowling,ice skating.

there is always the train from norlunga into the city,that's being extended to seaford open 2013.


All I would suggest is try a short term rental in the southern areas first,if not for you try the other places you fancy.


If you don't drive learn to :)

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Reading that people are going out in the next few months, is making me long to go back. I definitely agree that you need to have open mind when looking at areas; you will know instantly which are right for you - everybody is different. We didn't get to explore the northern suburbs really, but we felt very much at home by the sea and in the south west areas. It can't come soon enough for me really ;)

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Guest leeannekays

We have been here 3 weeks tomorrow and loving it, feels just like home.

Callum and Emily are settling in their school and Kindy, feel proud of them.


It's a lovely place.


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