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Reccie visit - what to pack?


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Hi there,


We arrive for our reccie visit on 01 June for just 2 weeks. What do I pack? How warm/cool is it really at this time of year? I'm considering some shorts/summer dresses for my daughters, but will they need them? Should I stick to jeans, t-shirts and jackets? Will we even need flip flops? We are travelling with Singapore Airlines and get the standard 20kgs, so I don't want to be packing stuff we won't need. Am I taking the meaning of 'winter' too literally, with only the British definition?!?


Also, are there any specific 'dos' and more importantly, 'don'ts' on what we can bring with us for our stay?


Could you recommend any activities? My daughters are 9 and 4, and so far I've promised them a day at the zoo... (I'd have preferred wine tasting!)


All advice/suggestions much appreciated.


Rach x

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Well, what will feel cold to people there ATM might be live a mini heat wave to you coming from the UK lol.


Have you checked the current weather and day/night temps in Adelaide? It's still warmer there ATM than it is here in most parts of the UK.


Tbh if I was going over now from the UK I'd be taking mostly jeans, tees, sweaters and a few lighter things I could pair with said jeans or tees. O and a jacket of some description.

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Hi there,


We arrive for our reccie visit on 01 June for just 2 weeks. What do I pack? How warm/cool is it really at this time of year? I'm considering some shorts/summer dresses for my daughters, but will they need them? Should I stick to jeans, t-shirts and jackets? Will we even need flip flops? We are travelling with Singapore Airlines and get the standard 20kgs, so I don't want to be packing stuff we won't need. Am I taking the meaning of 'winter' too literally, with only the British definition?!?


Also, are there any specific 'dos' and more importantly, 'don'ts' on what we can bring with us for our stay?


Could you recommend any activities? My daughters are 9 and 4, and so far I've promised them a day at the zoo... (I'd have preferred wine tasting!)


All advice/suggestions much appreciated.


Rach x



Hi mawsnmorgs:


In answer to some of your questions, I suggest you pack for an English late Autumn-early Winter: I lived in South Oz nearly 19 years and can honestly say there were times during Adelaide mid-winters when I felt colder than I'd ever felt in England -- especially standing on the corner of Currie and King William Streets on a wet, windy day!! It was bitingly cold! Still, it won't be that cold in June in Adelaide, so think you'll be on the safe-side packing for an English Autumn holiday.


Just remember that June, July and August is Winter in Adelaide and, just as there are days during an English Winter when we don't need to rug up to the max, there are very few days when you can go out without a coat. It's the same in Adelaide in my experience during those months. Definitely don't bother packing flip-flops, bathers, shorts or summer frocks for your little girls; they won't need them at all (but if you do get a few mild days, well, those items are cheap-as-chips to buy in K-Mart, Woolies and Target).


You were right: stick to jeans, jackets, jumpers and teeshirts. (You might want to take flipflops to wear as slippers indoors).


Someone on PomsinOz suggested taking a uk 4-socket powerboard with one Oz adaptor for things like hair-dryers, tongs, shavers, cameras, mobile phones etc, which you'll find you'll often want to use/charge at the same time. I can vouch for that being a brilliant tip, and we took one on our last trip back in October. It was brilliant. Ours is already packed for our next trip, and we're not going back 'til next March - to make sure I don't forget!


Places of interest for the girls would definitely be the Adelaide Zoo; The Beachhouse Amusement Park at Glenelg; Cleland National Park (brilliant for kids of all ages - including grownups!). Go online and google them: You won't be disappointed, and they're easy to get to on public transport if you don't have a hire-car.


I hope I've been of some help, anyway. I hope you all have a lovely time on your recce. I'm sure you will.


Bet you can't wait, can you? Adelaide's great!


All the best. x

Edited by barbaitch
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Guest ReadyPenny

Yep definitely jeans, t-shirts, jackets etc. I very much doubt you will be needing shorts and dresses to be honest. I came to work this morning in thermal vest, blouse, tank top, cardigan and scarf with trousers, long socks and boots!! Mind you, it is much cooler early morning (7am) than it is at 10am when it is warming up to around 20 degrees at the mo.

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Guest Guest75

You tend to wear layers here in winter.

The afternoons can be very pleasant at times with just a t shirt needed ( you still need sun cream!)

As soon as the sun goes down tough on a cloudless night it can feel quite cold!


As it's a reccie try not to be too much in holiday mode .


But do ..........


Go wine tasting,

Check out all the beaches - you can drive onto Silver Sands, Aldinga.


Visit Victor Harbour.


Have a day in the city center, around the river and gardens.


Visit the Central Market - it's an experience.


Have a coffee at the Marina in Glenelg.

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You tend to wear layers here in winter.

The afternoons can be very pleasant at times with just a t shirt needed ( you still need sun cream!)

As soon as the sun goes down tough on a cloudless night it can feel quite cold!


As it's a reccie try not to be too much in holiday mode .








But do ..........


Go wine tasting,

Check out all the beaches - you can drive onto Silver Sands, Aldinga.


Visit Victor Harbour.


Have a day in the city center, around the river and gardens.


Visit the Central Market - it's an experience.


Have a coffee at the Marina in Glenelg.


Spot on! Listen to Tyke, mawsnmorgs. He knows what he's talking about!


All the best x

Edited by barbaitch
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I agree with all the others - bring stuff for an English autumn/winter, and don't bring the rose tinted glasses. You are planning to live here remember. Check out supermarkets to see the range of foods, and the type of shops you would normally use back in the UK to see what is available. Enjoy it all as well. Coffee on the Marina in Glenelg is a must -but them I'm biased as I live there! Enjoy!

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As far as temps go, those of us already here will give you a bit of a biased view, as our blood has thinned. Yesterday my daughter was speaking to my sister on the phone and said "it was freezing here today - I think it only went up to about 12!" Now, bearing in mind yesterday it actually hit 20, not just 12, it did feel pretty chilly, but my sister in the UK was not impressed with that description as to her, even 12 sounded pretty warm! I remember arriving here in August to temps around 16 degrees, wandering around the city in shorts and t-shirts and wondering why all the locals had fur coats and gloves on!


As far as visiting places, definitely go to Central Market - you can nip into Coles supermarket while you're there to compare food prices. It's nice to go there on a Friday night - I think it closes at 9pm - as the atmosphere is great then, and you can grab something to eat either in the food court or at one of the places along Gouger Street.


Also take a drive up to Cudlee Creek wildlife park. Lovely drive, and the best place to "cuddle a koala" (it might be a recce but it's still a holiday too!) And go up to Mount Lofty - you can combine that with a visit to Cleland Park and it gives you a good panoramic view of Adelaide and surrounds to get your bearings. If you don't know where you might be living, plan a series of days to do the different areas - perhaps one day down south and call in at Collonnades shopping centre, another slightly closer in and check out Marion shopping centre, one day in the North East and call in at Tea Tree Plaza shopping centre, one day in the north and Elizabeth shoppng centre, one day in the west and call in at West Lakes shopping centre, and one day in the east and call in at Burnside shopping centre! A good way to get a feel for areas and their inhabitants!

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Thanks, Snifter.

That's backed up my thinking.

My OH is constantly checking his i phone for weather updates and that's where the confusion comes in. It does seem to go up and down a lot, and like you say, what feels cool to you may well be a scorcher for us! Maybe I will chuck in a sundress or two for the girls, just in case :unsure:


Thanks again,



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Thanks so much Barbaitch, for your detailed reply. Got my socket thingy set aside - great idea!


Thanks also for the suggestions of places to visit, too. I'm glad the zoo gets a thumbs up. They love going to Chester Zoo, here, so I was hoping it would be a good choice. Had Glenelg on our list also, so looks like we are on the right track. We just need to make sure we do the 'important stuff', too (boo!). It's a shame it has to be such a short trip but we didn't (couldn't) take the kids out of school for any longer. Ah well, we can do it all 'properly' when we make the BIG move.


I really can't wait.


Kind regards,


Rach x

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Yep definitely jeans, t-shirts, jackets etc. I very much doubt you will be needing shorts and dresses to be honest. I came to work this morning in thermal vest, blouse, tank top, cardigan and scarf with trousers, long socks and boots!! Mind you, it is much cooler early morning (7am) than it is at 10am when it is warming up to around 20 degrees at the mo.


Thanks, Mandy.

20 degrees = beautiful day here and the girls would be in summer clothes, hence my dilemma. Is it likely to be so warm often at that time? To be fair, I haven't researched how stable the weather is there. You most definitely can't rely on summer being July/August here any more. We've just had the most beautiful March and May so far has been a wash out. I'll pack just a few light things, just in case.


Kind regards,


Rach x

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Thanks, Tyke.


I would have contacted you direct, but I decided to save my many, many questions and bombard you with them when we arrive. Not sure you picked up on the info given - Rach - mawsnmorgs, landing 01 June for 2 weeks. We're staying at your place! From all the comments given by your many previous 'guests', you really are 'the man' and a mine of information. You probably have a manual with all the info we need already prepared!


I have to say, I'm looking forward to the idea of coffee at the marina at Glenelg. As for the wine tasting, were you inadvertantly offering to babysit my little darlings? I know that wine tasting isn't really meant to mean too much wine drinking, but as a novice, I'd hope to make a few mistakes and gulp a few down (oops) and it wouldn't be responsible to then be looking after the girls, would it? (Hic!)


Anyway, going to start on the packing this weekend. SPF50 all set to go (just a little wishful thinking there).


We can't wait to meet the man behind the posts...


See you soon,


Rach x

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I agree with all the others - bring stuff for an English autumn/winter, and don't bring the rose tinted glasses. You are planning to live here remember. Check out supermarkets to see the range of foods, and the type of shops you would normally use back in the UK to see what is available. Enjoy it all as well. Coffee on the Marina in Glenelg is a must -but them I'm biased as I live there! Enjoy!


Thanks, so much 'wireworks' for your reply. We are staying in one of Tykes properties, so will be doing a little shopping. We really want/need to get a realistic view of life there, even if we are only coming for 2 weeks. So we'll be looking at the prices of everything from fruit and veg to properties, whilst hopefully fitting in a little holiday fun, too.


Oh, and as Ian (OH) is a carpenter/joiner/builder, any info on where the work is so that he can check that side of things out whilst we are there, would be GREATLY appreaciated. Ofcourse, my main issue currently is - what to pack! Priorities, hey...


Looking forward to my coffee at the marina :biggrin:


Rach x

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As far as temps go, those of us already here will give you a bit of a biased view, as our blood has thinned. Yesterday my daughter was speaking to my sister on the phone and said "it was freezing here today - I think it only went up to about 12!" Now, bearing in mind yesterday it actually hit 20, not just 12, it did feel pretty chilly, but my sister in the UK was not impressed with that description as to her, even 12 sounded pretty warm! I remember arriving here in August to temps around 16 degrees, wandering around the city in shorts and t-shirts and wondering why all the locals had fur coats and gloves on!


As far as visiting places, definitely go to Central Market - you can nip into Coles supermarket while you're there to compare food prices. It's nice to go there on a Friday night - I think it closes at 9pm - as the atmosphere is great then, and you can grab something to eat either in the food court or at one of the places along Gouger Street.


Also take a drive up to Cudlee Creek wildlife park. Lovely drive, and the best place to "cuddle a koala" (it might be a recce but it's still a holiday too!) And go up to Mount Lofty - you can combine that with a visit to Cleland Park and it gives you a good panoramic view of Adelaide and surrounds to get your bearings. If you don't know where you might be living, plan a series of days to do the different areas - perhaps one day down south and call in at Collonnades shopping centre, another slightly closer in and check out Marion shopping centre, one day in the North East and call in at Tea Tree Plaza shopping centre, one day in the north and Elizabeth shoppng centre, one day in the west and call in at West Lakes shopping centre, and one day in the east and call in at Burnside shopping centre! A good way to get a feel for areas and their inhabitants!



Oh, just the idea of Cuddle Creek Wildlife Park has got me giddy. I can't decide whether I should tell the girlies about it now or surprise them with it when we go. Can they really cuddle a koala? That would be amazing.


I'm really grateful for the shopping suggestion. I mean, it really would be a good way to see the surrounding areas, and it would be silly not to shop whilst we are there, wouldn't it?! That said, the girls would be bored - unless they are being bought something, ofcourse, and if the weather is good whilst we are there (that's anything above 10 degrees, reallyfor us), then it seems we'll have some fun-packed days and may not get the time to browse...


I've been getting a little anxious about our trip up until now. BUT now you have all got me really excited. It's going to be busy, tiring and fabulous. I can't wait!


Thanks so much for the time you spent on your reply, Diane. It's much appreciated.


Rach x

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Guest Guest75
Thanks, Tyke.


I would have contacted you direct, but I decided to save my many, many questions and bombard you with them when we arrive. Not sure you picked up on the info given - Rach - mawsnmorgs, landing 01 June for 2 weeks. We're staying at your place! From all the comments given by your many previous 'guests', you really are 'the man' and a mine of information. You probably have a manual with all the info we need already prepared!


I have to say, I'm looking forward to the idea of coffee at the marina at Glenelg. As for the wine tasting, were you inadvertantly offering to babysit my little darlings? I know that wine tasting isn't really meant to mean too much wine drinking, but as a novice, I'd hope to make a few mistakes and gulp a few down (oops) and it wouldn't be responsible to then be looking after the girls, would it? (Hic!)


Anyway, going to start on the packing this weekend. SPF50 all set to go (just a little wishful thinking there).


We can't wait to meet the man behind the posts...


See you soon,


Rach x


Hiya Rach



I guessed it was you :wink:


Please ask away in here, I can give you facts but on some matters it's only my personal opinion. I want people to have a well rounded set of opinions.


Sorry, don't offer babysitting services ( unless you want your children to pick up some life long and extremely annoying bad habits ). Mine are grown up now so enjoying the freedom again...


Plenty to see and do here,sure you will get some nice sunny days:biggrin:



Can't wait to meet me???? :biglaugh:


Expect permanent mental scarring!!!!


At least we have very similar accents !!!

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Hiya Rach



I guessed it was you :wink:


Please ask away in here, I can give you facts but on some matters it's only my personal opinion. I want people to have a well rounded set of opinions.


Sorry, don't offer babysitting services ( unless you want your children to pick up some life long and extremely annoying bad habits ). Mine are grown up now so enjoying the freedom again...


Plenty to see and do here,sure you will get some nice sunny days:biggrin:



Can't wait to meet me???? :biglaugh:


Expect permanent mental scarring!!!!


At least we have very similar accents !!!



Ha ha, you do make me chuckle!


As for similar accents, I bet yours has changed quite a bit. It's funny, watching all those programmes on TV, to hear how the accents soon get an Aussie twang.


As for me, I'm a Scouse native, but have lived in Barnsley for @ 30 yrs now, so it's sometimes an odd mix. It's mostly a Yorkshire accent, as to have kept the Scouse one was nigh on life-threatening when we first moved here. It's not so bad now, but back then, Yorkshire folk did not do change!




Rach x

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Guest Guest75
Ha ha, you do make me chuckle!


As for similar accents, I bet yours has changed quite a bit. It's funny, watching all those programmes on TV, to hear how the accents soon get an Aussie twang.


As for me, I'm a Scouse native, but have lived in Barnsley for @ 30 yrs now, so it's sometimes an odd mix. It's mostly a Yorkshire accent, as to have kept the Scouse one was nigh on life-threatening when we first moved here. It's not so bad now, but back then, Yorkshire folk did not do change!




Rach x


My accents just as broad but I can swear like an Aussie now.:swoon:

But I cannot say "G'Day" for the life of me, funny as anything in the gym today. Someone said G'Day to me and I said it back. Sounded sooo false. I'll stick to "Hey up":err:


Scouser hey?? I'd best keep checking my hub caps then???:biglaugh:



Beaut day here today,lovely bit of sunshine. This is what I like about South Oz winters ..........

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My accents just as broad but I can swear like an Aussie now.:swoon:

But I cannot say "G'Day" for the life of me, funny as anything in the gym today. Someone said G'Day to me and I said it back. Sounded sooo false. I'll stick to "Hey up":err:


Scouser hey?? I'd best keep checking my hub caps then???:biglaugh:



Beaut day here today,lovely bit of sunshine. This is what I like about South Oz winters ..........


Oooh, you take a risk with such comments. Although I think 'kleptomania' is now officially a Scouse genetic issue, it just can't be helped after so many generations of it!!!


How funny - I still struggle with "Hey up", but I'm fine with "Hola!" when we're in Spain. "G'day", with a Yorkshire accent...That's got me chuckling.


Save some sunshine for us, won't you?


Rach x

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