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Guest sedgecl

Hi Sarah

When we came over last August, I gave the school a copy of the boys reports from when they started school, they are aged 9 and 8 years. I also had the reading diaries, and any other school work that was passed to me. The UK schools were great they put a package together for me. The new school photocopied the info they required.

So far all good...

Good luck with everything:)



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Thank you for your response we have six children aged 6,7,12,12,14 & 16 and have received different information concerning what we would need hence why i've started this thread to find out what everyone else has previously used; as we don't want to leave without anything relevant.

Thanks again,

Take care,


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  • 3 weeks later...

TBH its pretty much just school reports and the like as I understand it. Unless there are exam results gained and so on already. Or other reports that are going to be beneficial. Schools will assess as they go and children will go into the year group for their age.


On a school enrolment you need to provide info like their nationality, visa type if one applies and so on but nothing you won't have the information for once you are living in Aus and registered with medical insurance and other things. So long as you have the information like that it should be fine. And if you don't have it all right at the time of enrolment then it'll be a long soon enough.


Also have their red books to prove vaccination record.


And if registering for a zoned school you most likely will need to provide proof of your long term rental agreement (usually for a year) before the school will consider them as resident in the zone and eligible. It can vary from school to school though but it does seem the popular ones are pretty strict on this.

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Hi we didn't give any info for enrolling here, obviously filled in the school forms but the school didn't require it request further info. Saying that we did request a 'pack' from my daughters uk school and they said that's something 'they didn't do'. Couldn't be bothered in my opinion but its all good we didn't need it anyway, she's at primary school not sure if it would be more important for secondary.

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Again, all we needed to do was fill in the school enrollment form. Although we had brought copies of SATS results and end of year reports they weren't necessary to enroll at the school. Once the children were settled into a class we gave their class teachers the reports and they were pleased to read them (and note the difference in style) but they were for information only, not a requirement.


It does get really stress-y trying to remember everything you think you'll need but ultimately I think it ends up being more for your peace of mind than too much for bureaucracy here - most official things rely more on Australian evidence such as drivers license and proof of address (and your passports obviously!).


​Good luck with it all.

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