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Single dad hope valley area needs friends.

Guest tholmes

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Guest tholmes

I have been here for 3 years now but have made no friends as i have just done the work,kids,beer,bed,work thing and now find myself very much on my own .I am considering going back to Yorkshire but i am not sure if i could cope with not seeing the kids,but i cannot imagine it could be any harder than seeing the ex moving on whilst i slowly go mad on my own.I gave my job up to concentrate on the relationship,so the no money and bills adding up doesnt help.Would love to meet people in the area going through the same for support .

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Hi there, we're just down the road from you in Highbury. What are your hobbies? What sort of work did you do, and are you in a position now to start looking again? Have a look at http://www.volunteeringsa.org.au/VSA_HOME_FindingAPosition - I was looking on there the other day (for another friend actually, who is also from Yorkshire, also single, and also not working at the moment). My advice to him was that he needs to start getting out and about and mixing with people again: it is very easy to slip into depression when you are alone, and always easier to just sit in front of the television/computer on your own than force yourself out of that safe little coccoon. Do you like music? Another single friend goes along to the Whitmore pub on a Tuesday and Thursday evening - she says it's a good atmosphere, welcoming, and you won't stand out going in there on your own. You don't have to participate, just take it at your own speed. If that's not your thing, there are walking and cycling groups - get yourself down to Linear Park on a sunny day - there are always people down there, you won't feel odd being on your own - put some music on your ipod, or just walk and enjoy the birds and the peace. Exercise is (apparently) great for getting the endorphins flowing. You need to start healing yourself from within (sorry, don't usually do the navel gazing stuff!) - you've been through a stressful time and you need to start rebuilding your life. Lots you can do that doesn't cost a fortune. Get out and start rebuilding a social network.

Edited by Diane
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