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We've been here 18 months!!

Guest vikkiann

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Guest vikkiann

Just thought I'd post an update ...


We've not long passed the 18 month mark and thought I'd give my story so far ..


We landed in June 2012 and loved the weather, I've now learnt that Aussie winters are blooming cold.

Hubby got a job straight away working for a maintenance company, i guess he's 1 of the lucky 1's. I set up a cleaning business, now have 3 members of staff and work my backside off but it all pays at the end of the month. We love the area we are in (Aldinga), not sure if we'll buy here though as we have different views on what we want but we'll stay put for now.

Kids started school, i left them where they were for 18 months but they have just finished their last day at their school and are starting term 1 2014 at a new school.


I've been back to the UK already, i no longer class it as home. the goodbyes were even worse 2nd time round. Saying goodbye to my dad broke my heart but we facetime 2 or 3 times a week and speak more now than we did then.

Luckily, my sister who i am so close to has already been out twice and is just planning her 3rd trip. Having her visit so often makes life easier.

I found that friendships I'd had for years have fallen apart but its their loss not mine. I can count on 1 hand the people i class as friends back there. I've met some amazing people here who are like our own aussie family. I've also met some crazy people who i hope i never meet again!!!


On the whole for us as a family of 6, Adelaide is the place to be, i feel like i really belong here, am settled, the kids are happy and we have a ridiculous amount of disposable income, which always helps :rolleyes:

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Guest vikkiann
I like reading posts like this - we are flying out on January 8th so are in full nervous-breakdown mode!



It's good to read posts which remind you of why you are doing it!


You guys will be fine, as long as you come with the right attitude.

Some people think they are going to have endless supplies of money and the sun always shines, that's so not true!


The sun is shining this week though, we are looking forward to 40 degrees on Thursday

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