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189 & 190 visa - few queries


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Dear All, I have few following queries to the valuable members and moderators of this wonderful forum.



I have a positives skills assessment for 261112 Systems Analyst. I intend to apply for State Sponsorship to NSW(65 points) or 189 Visa(60 points) currently. My self, my wife and my daughter are the applicants and i am the primary applicant.



1.If my application is successful what would be the criteria after all of our initial entry.

Can my wife and daughter enter NSW or any state without me and live/work there ?

2.I have few commitments to fulfill in my current role and hence may have to stay back for say 2-3 yrs (just a forecast) but i dont want to miss out the chance of acquiring a visa now because later it will become quiet difficult for me to achieve an Australian visa since i would cross the age of 40 and have to score more points in English tests, change in rules etc.

3.I suppose once the PR visa is issued, my wife and daughter's candidature becomes independent and do not have any binding with my PR Visa. Is it correct ? Sometimes i could finish off my commitments and join them quickly also but i would like to take the feedback from your experience and knowledge here.

4.Can my wife work and Daughter go to school without me present in the state(NSW/Others) ?

5.Also what is the validity of this 189/190 PR Visa.

6.Can we able to sponsor and bring our parents to Australia on a visitor visa ?

7.If i get a 190 state sponsored visa can we able to visit other Australian state such as Melbourne/Adelaide/Brisbane for short visits as visitors to that state ?



Kindly reply, Thank You.

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I don't know a great deal about those visa types.


However, a quick look on the immi website gives me the answer to a number of your questions :)




What this visa lets you do


This is a permanent residence visa. It lets you and any family members who have also been granted this visa to:


  • stay in Australia indefinitely
  • work and study in Australia
  • enrol in Medicare, Australia's scheme for health-related care and expenses
  • apply for Australian citizenship (if you are eligible)
  • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
  • travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted (after that time, you will need a resident return visa or another visa to return to Australia).


And the 190






Re some of your other questions. Whatever visa you are on you'll be able to visit other states.


Re the validity, I'm not sure quite what you mean. They are valid for 5 years from grant iirc, so you all need to validate within the timeframe they give you when granted and then move and settle in Aus before the 5 years is up. Once in Aus, as a permanent residence you can remain. You either then apply for Aus citizenship when you are eligible or as I understand it, should you need to go overseas once the 5 years is up you apply for a RRV for whomever is going abroad.

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Thanks for the reply. So basically can i reassure myself that even if i validate the visa and say comeback to my current work place due to some commitments, My Wife and kid can stay over in Australia as an independent PR Visa holders even though the Primary Applicant (which is myself) is not present in the country physically. Is this understanding correct ? because i dont want any difficulties for my family when i move back and they have to be fine with my kids schooling and if my wife gets a job too ?


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Yes you can do that and your wife can stay in Australia with the children. Although I'm not sure I would want to be left with the kids to set up a new life on my own, it isn't that easy and hard enough for many when they are together. However I know people who are OK with this. But for 2-3 years? Why not all validate the visa and move together after 2-3 years?

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Thanks to u both Snifter & Rammygirl. As Rammy said , yes it would be a bit difficult for them to be alone. But this is a forecast only and a collective thought within ourselves. We will definitely review it again before we do the move. It was nice that your reply's have clarified our queries.

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