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Hey guys!


We are looking at moving to either Adelaide or the Sunshine Coast! We had our hearts set on Adelaide for a few years but lately the Sunshine Coast has popped up! It's hard to make a decision without visiting both places but I was hoping I could get some feedback from you guys which can sway me one way or another!


Ok here goes......


Is the weather in Adelaide similar to U.K. At points? Every time I see Adelaide on TV it looks windy and a bit chilly, almost like autumn in the UK? I know people go to the Sunshine past in the winter due to the better weather..?


I heard there are not great opportunities for young people in Adelaide? A lot of people move to Melbourne etc?


Is the job situation as bad as I have read on various forums? I'm looking for a job in community nursing...


I hear the climate is bad for asthma and people with skinny. Conditions due to the dry air?!?


Im looking at starting a Martial Arts school, would there be a demand for it in Adelaide?


is the sea cold most of the year?



Right guys guys that's my mad questions! I have researched Adelaide sooooo much and know it has some beautiful places,great beaches and know there are some excellent schools!


Thank you for your time!

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Hello and welcome.


My own personal experience with asthma is that mine is improved. Tbh it used to be the winters that did for me in the UK and as they are milder here and shorter it's been better for me. Cost of a purple inhaler is more expensive than UK as obviously no one price for all medication here, so it does vary. Blue ones are cheap enough though and cans be bought without prescription if needed. I've not needed a brown one since moving here so no idea of cost of one of those.


Weather is nothing like UK tbh. It's a far more Mediterranean climate here. Yes we have winter but it's generally a 3 month season and spring and autumn are generally warmer. Winter in the UK can feel like it goes on for months as of course it's colder and often wetter during spring and autumn and also the much shorter days in winter in the UK make a big difference. I love I can get out and about till a bit later in winter here. Sure it can get cold (and once you acclimatise you think 10C is cold after 35C summer days) but I've not needed or worn my duck down coats since moving here. More often than not it's been my raincoat or a thick sweater and I'Ve been fine in th daytime. Nights can be colder so I tend to layer up an extra layer then if needed.


If you research the local weather you can see it's average temp month by month. It can be hot here in summer, lots of sushine and blue skies and far from being UK autumn like. Yes we get the odd wet day but in summer they tend to be few and far between. Hot and dry is more likely. I don't know what the average is but it doesn't feel cold when it's hitting the other side of thirty degrees outside. I like we still have seasons here and don't mind the few months of winter here in the least. It's a nice change from the summer heat and also replenishes the water supply and allows things to green back up.


Some days it can be stinking hot, too hot and be pretty horrible outside. As in hitting 40C. Not had too many of those this past summer but we had enough :)


Job wise it's hard for me to comment as nursing is not my field.


Re young people, some do move away, some then come back, others don't. We have family here in their 20's and most have stayed and are working here. One or two left, not returned as yet but plan to in future. One is moving interstate due to new in at a Uni for a few years. We also have friends who moved away in their 20's but who returned when a bit older, starting a family and so on. A few still overseas or interstate but not that many. Most of my husbands school and uni friends are still here living and didn't move away.


Isn't it more normal in this day and age that people move around or away from their hometown for work, not just here in Aus but elsewhere? Of course many stay but lots of young people head for London and other cities in the UK for work opportunities and experience. I moved countries, jobs, homes a number of times over the years from my early 20's onwards for th experiences, opportunities and so on over staying in my hometown. Its going on over 25 years ago now since I first packed my bags. In this day and age many people move for work and I'd expect young people to move elsewhere and not remain in their hometown. As to if this is driven by lack or work or simply just wanting to spread their wings, or both, I can't say.


Re the sea, we make use of it from Nov to March so a good 5 months. However, depending on how warm it is in spring and autumn it can be more or a bit less. In summer the water in the gulf along the city is lovely. I love the shallows and now warm it can be swimming. Some of our family and friends surf and stuff so are in it all year round.


No clue about martial arts as it's not our thing so never investigated it but there are schools around and we know kids who attend classes.

Edited by snifter
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There are certainly marital arts schools here, somyes there is demand. No idea if that means that hole is already filled though.


Unlike snifter i wear my duck down every day through winter. But I work outdoors and start early. If the sun is out it warms up quickly, but until then it can feel bloody cold. Frost does happen (just not often).

You are quite right about the wind. It does seem very windy often. But then there's lots of times it's not that windy.

The weather here is better than the U.K. In my eyes. Summer is often too hot (this year has been great though). The sea is beautiful temperature now.

Work wise, I'd imagine from what I've talked to other people in your field, that you'd have no problems there.

There aren't as many opportunities for kids here as in the uk, but that's because there are nowhere near the amount of people in Thai country.


My hayfever is a bit better here than it was in the uk.


Personally i cant imagine moving my whole life anywhere I hadn't visited before. Could you take some time out when you got here and visit both places?

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There are certainly marital arts schools here, somyes there is demand. No idea if that means that hole is already filled though.


Unlike snifter i wear my duck down every day through winter. But I work outdoors and start early. If the sun is out it warms up quickly, but until then it can feel bloody cold. Frost does happen (just not often).

You are quite right about the wind. It does seem very windy often. But then there's lots of times it's not that windy.

The weather here is better than the U.K. In my eyes. Summer is often too hot (this year has been great though). The sea is beautiful temperature now.

Work wise, I'd imagine from what I've talked to other people in your field, that you'd have no problems there.

There aren't as many opportunities for kids here as in the uk, but that's because there are nowhere near the amount of people in Thai country.


My hayfever is a bit better here than it was in the uk.


Personally i cant imagine moving my whole life anywhere I hadn't visited before. Could you take some time out when you got here and visit both places?


Thanks so much for your help guys! It has definitely given me food for thought!! I kinda feel like I know Adelaide pretty well from online research but there is no better research than actual visiting an area! Hopefully that will be an option!

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Thanks so much for your help guys! It has definitely given me food for thought!! I kinda feel like I know Adelaide pretty well from online research but there is no better research than actual visiting an area! Hopefully that will be an option!


Visiting Adelaide is a good idea, research online doesn't show what it is like to be there personally. I don't know where you live in the UK, but I can guarantee that Adelaide and its surroundings will be so different to experience, you will be amazed. As for asthma inhalers, I've not needed to use mine in Adelaide, but England is a different kettle of fish with its damper climate.

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Reading ur post i felt like i was talking to myself :) we too want to move down with the Kids and are considering 3 places: Adelaide, sunshine Coast or Perth (depending on where will be a better place of finding work, living with Kids etc). We have not visited neither Adelaide or Perth and are trying to find as much info as possible.

I also am in the sport field (tennis coach and have an EMS studio here where i lead personal trainings). Kinda similar story to yours. ... :-)

..but i can give me 5cents worth and tell you a bit about the sunshine Coast that u ask about. We Just spent 2 wks there with my wife. We flew down to activate her partner visa, without the Kids, do we had an opportunity to check it out.

Life wise the SC is really laid back. We were in Mt Coolum but drove around the whole area.

People are friendly. The business area/main cbd for the sunshine Coast is Marroochydore, so i pressume more work possibilities would be around that area.

Places like Noosa - very touristy. Eamundi (with its famous markets) - a small Little Town really. Would not want to live there. Mt Coolum, where we stayed wad really nice. A small seaside suburd, right next to Coolum Beach which is a 5min drive. In Coolum Beach u have your banks and shops, cole etc right near the main Road that leads by the seaside. Via this Road u can drive to all parts of the sunshine Coast. We found that driving by car in that region was never a problem. Maybe because there are only about 350thou People in that area means that heavy traffic is sthg they dont experience too often, if at all.

I found Mooloolaba to be a good option. Its right next to Marroochydore so work could be close, also its right on the Beach which we found Great. Also a lot of other places like Buderim which are situated next to it.

After our stay there, personally we would only Look for a place to live near the Beach. The beaches there are simply fantastic, and there are a lot of places which offer the Beach at arms reach, like Coolum Beach, Mt Coolum, perigan Beach, Mooloolaba or Alexandra headland (the last 2 places would be good to live in IMO - all close to the Coasts business centre being Marroochydore.

Lots of parks and other places which are Great to visit with Kids. We also went to the Australian zoo which was Great, other places like underwater world and others which we simply didnt have time to See.

We loved the sunshine Coast and thought it would be a Great place to live with our Kids. The only reason we are considering Adelaide or Perth is because even though its a Great place, i have been Reading that it can he hard to land work which might be a bit of a worry.

Rent in the SC is something around 350per week if u Look around. We did that by scrolling through gumtree.com.au or realestate.com.au - they gave Us a rough idea of the property rent/buy Costs.

If u would have sny questions that PM me. Dont know if ill be able to help much being in the same boat as you (i.e not living there at the moment) but can tell u all we saw in queenslands Coast. Itll be a bit like a blind man trying to lead a blind man :-)

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Visiting Adelaide is a good idea, research online doesn't show what it is like to be there personally. I don't know where you live in the UK, but I can guarantee that Adelaide and its surroundings will be so different to experience, you will be amazed. As for asthma inhalers, I've not needed to use mine in Adelaide, but England is a different kettle of fish with its damper climate.


Many thanks... It's seems people who actually live in Adelaide find the climate good for asthma... It contradicts a lot of the information I have been reading and gives me more reassurance that Adelaide would be great for my daughter who has mild Asthma. Thanks for the info :)

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Reading ur post i felt like i was talking to myself :) we too want to move down with the Kids and are considering 3 places: Adelaide, sunshine Coast or Perth (depending on where will be a better place of finding work, living with Kids etc). We have not visited neither Adelaide or Perth and are trying to find as much info as possible.

I also am in the sport field (tennis coach and have an EMS studio here where i lead personal trainings). Kinda similar story to yours. ... :-)

..but i can give me 5cents worth and tell you a bit about the sunshine Coast that u ask about. We Just spent 2 wks there with my wife. We flew down to activate her partner visa, without the Kids, do we had an opportunity to check it out.

Life wise the SC is really laid back. We were in Mt Coolum but drove around the whole area.

People are friendly. The business area/main cbd for the sunshine Coast is Marroochydore, so i pressume more work possibilities would be around that area.

Places like Noosa - very touristy. Eamundi (with its famous markets) - a small Little Town really. Would not want to live there. Mt Coolum, where we stayed wad really nice. A small seaside suburd, right next to Coolum Beach which is a 5min drive. In Coolum Beach u have your banks and shops, cole etc right near the main Road that leads by the seaside. Via this Road u can drive to all parts of the sunshine Coast. We found that driving by car in that region was never a problem. Maybe because there are only about 350thou People in that area means that heavy traffic is sthg they dont experience too often, if at all.

I found Mooloolaba to be a good option. Its right next to Marroochydore so work could be close, also its right on the Beach which we found Great. Also a lot of other places like Buderim which are situated next to it.

After our stay there, personally we would only Look for a place to live near the Beach. The beaches there are simply fantastic, and there are a lot of places which offer the Beach at arms reach, like Coolum Beach, Mt Coolum, perigan Beach, Mooloolaba or Alexandra headland (the last 2 places would be good to live in IMO - all close to the Coasts business centre being Marroochydore.

Lots of parks and other places which are Great to visit with Kids. We also went to the Australian zoo which was Great, other places like underwater world and others which we simply didnt have time to See.

We loved the sunshine Coast and thought it would be a Great place to live with our Kids. The only reason we are considering Adelaide or Perth is because even though its a Great place, i have been Reading that it can he hard to land work which might be a bit of a worry.

Rent in the SC is something around 350per week if u Look around. We did that by scrolling through gumtree.com.au or realestate.com.au - they gave Us a rough idea of the property rent/buy Costs.

If u would have sny questions that PM me. Dont know if ill be able to help much being in the same boat as you (i.e not living there at the moment) but can tell u all we saw in queenslands Coast. Itll be a bit like a blind man trying to lead a blind man :-)


Haha! It's a small world! I would love to chat more with you about SC and what you have discovered via the Web in terms of Adelaide etc.. I'm so bad at computers I don't know how to send private messages!! So feel free to send me a private message and hopefully I can work it out better that way!!


Its funny because as a as a family we keep getting pulled back to the idea of Adelaide. We were planning on making the move a few years ago and had the house for sale etc... But the timing was wrong and I'm glad we put it on hold until we were all ready.. We are planning to get the ball rolling in the next year so it's now getting closer! I want to research as much as I can so the move will be as smooth as possible!


Its Interesting you are a PT! Our dream is to start a small club in Oz...


anyhow hit me up if you want to chat further!


best wishes

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Haha. I Think when God was writing out our lives we were in the same book :)

...we were supposed to fly to Australia about 2 yrs ago as well :)

Will send u a msg later, am on court waiting for a Client who starts in 10 :)


excellent stuff! Yes message me if you have time. Its always great chatting to people that have been or are on similar paths! We did look into Perth as well but Adelaide attracts us since it's not too far from Melbourne and Sydney if we ever wanted to visit those areas..


I guess that's the appeal of the Sunshine Coast since Brisbane and the Gold Coast are close and there is the Great Barrier Reef further up! But SC main concern for us is employment plus longevity for our 2 daughters.

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