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Magazine article aiming to offer some hope

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Some other migrants suggested writing up our migration story as it was a bit unusual. So I did and sent it to Australia and New Zealand Magazine. They got in touch and are publishing an edited version in their latest edition (out July 4 I think) under the title "It was all worth it."  :)

The story was written with the aim of providing some hope to anyone who knows they want to emigrate but who doesn't qualify under any of the most commonly used skilled, business or family pathways. We didn't fit any of them and at various stages of our migration experience, suffering setback after setback, we really needed to hear some positive stories to encourage us to keep trying.

After several years in the process of trying to move permanently to Australia we finally made it, and a few months ago we felt we'd at last completed our journey when we moved into our newly built house north of Adelaide.

Please note this post is not intended to be an ad for a magazine or a suggestion to follow the same pathway we ended up taking (as things have changed since). It's just to encourage anyone who really wants to make it happen to look into any possibilities that could work for them. I'll have a copy of the magazine article (or the longer version for those who need help sleeping ¬¬) if anyone feels they could do with being given a bit of hope.


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On ‎8‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 0:00 PM, snifter said:

Would be interested to read it. If you happen to have a copy and want to scan or post pics of the article or find if the magazine has a link to it, feel free to post it/them here :)


The article is currently only in the hard copy of the magazine. I think they may put latest articles on their website a few weeks later. I've got a pdf copy (3.5mb). I can email it if you pm me with an address. Cheers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's great to hear that that perseverance paid off. Would be really good to read the article.

When we started out with the visa process we also hit a few obstacles but knew that leaving our then present situation was an absolute must. At that time our friends were relocating to New Zealand and that was our first choice too. Almost 5 years later we ended up in Australia always with the view that NZ was where we wanted to be. The rest is history and never looked back...10 years here this year!

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  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎25‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 5:06 PM, snifter said:

Great article. They wrote your story very well I think. You certainly had some struggles to get here but have come through them all. 

The house build sounds great. Lovely you've been able to achieve what you wanted with it. 


Thanks. Hopefully it may encourage someone who has hit similar barriers to keep trying and not give up until all options have been thoroughly explored.

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